Tuesday, June 28, 2022

The Last Day of School - June 28 2022

Hi parents,

Today was the perfect end to our school year. No disagreements, plenty of free time, and no spelling quiz. We finished watching MXP (in a shocking turn of events, the rookie chimp snowboarder was able to defeat a dozen trained athletes in a race), and we also watched Arthur and the Short, Quick Summer. The students wrote lists of things they want to do this summer.

Thank you all for your support this year. I have had an awesome time teaching of all your children. This was honestly one of the best years of teaching I've ever had (even though I may have written a few rant-y blog posts). I let the students know they are welcome to visit me next year any time and I mean it - my doors are always open, as doors are nonexistent at Lake Bonavista School. :)

Have an amazing summer!!!


Monday, June 27, 2022

Monday, June 27

Hi parents,

We had an awesome day today. But between the Talent Show, our Big Clean-up, Buddies, and the Sharing Assembly, I'll admit there wasn't a whole lot of time for "traditional" academics. 

We met with our Kindergarten Buddies and had a picnic in the garden. We went to the year-end assembly, where we got Rick-Rolled by the Grade 6 students, and said goodbye to the students and teachers who are leaving our school :( 

Ms. Melindy, Ms. Proctor, Ms. Morden, and Ms. Thomas - WE WILL MISS YOU!

Our Talent Show was a big success, and occurred sporadically throughout the day whenever we had time. Thank you to everyone who shared. It takes a lot of courage to perform, share your work, or even just speak in front of the class, so I hope everyone is feeling proud. And to the audience - great job being respectful listeners!

We had our spelling quiz today, and I feel like everyone is ready for Grade 3 / 4 spelling next year - although a little bit of practice over the Summer couldn't hurt...

The students took home virtually everything today, but please send your child with a bag tomorrow just in case, as they will also need to take home their shoes, extra clothes, medication, and year-end gifts.... :)

Have a wonderful night!


Friday, June 24, 2022

Sports Day! June 24

 Happy Sports Day!

We had a fun day today in spite of the weather. We spent most of the day outside and played soccer, kickball, duck-duck-goose, go for the gold, and four square. We also did a fun relay, inspired by Minute to Win It, and did some skipping as well.

We kicked off the day with a pep rally which was a lot of fun, and in between outdoor activity sessions, we watched the movie MXP (Most Extreme Primate), which is one of my personal favourites. It's about an unusually athletic chimp that learns how to snowboard. A perfect film for our wintery Sports Day.

Monday, June 27: Room 4 Talent Show (and the spelling quiz)

The Talent Show is on Monday! If you are sharing a video of your child's talent, please do so via Google Drive or Google Classroom. The CBE computers are weird about opening USBs / Jump Drives...

Tuesday, June 28: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL PJ DAY!!

Students can also bring one small stuffy.

We will be doing a BIG classroom cleanup next week, and students will be taking home ALL of their work and supplies. Please send your child with an extra bag to take their belongings home in!!

Have a nice weekend!


PS: The Canyon Meadows Cinema is showing all of the Harry Potter movies this Summer - and serving Butter Beer too! If you've been reading the books at home, as I know many of you have, watching the movies on the big screen could be a lot of fun.


Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thursday, June 23

 Hi parents,

The assembly was fantastic! Maybe the best assembly in LBS history. I am so proud of the students in rooms four and five for all their hard work and dedication. I know the excessive practicing probably seemed tedious at the time, but it really did pay off. Performing and talking in front of a full gymnasium is intimidating, but everyone delivered their lines proudly and confidently, and our song was beautiful too. 

We recorded the whole thing but I likely will not be able to post it on Google Classroom until tomorrow, as it is quite a big file and it'll take a long time to upload. 

In the mean time, please enjoy our Peace Train Video!

Aside from practicing for the assembly, and later performing it, the students also wrote letters to themselves to be opened on the first day of school next year. 

We ended our day with music.

Tomorrow is Sports Day! Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and attire, as we will be going ahead with this day rain or shine. :)

After that - Monday is our Talent Show, and Tuesday is our Last Day of School!

Have a nice night!


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wednesday, June 22

 Hi parents,

We had another great day today. It's likely they will all be great days from here on out, as we've really reached the homestretch of our year, and I'm not looking to start any new gruelling inquiry projects at this point in time.

Today we spent quite a bit of time practicing for our assembly, but the practice definitely paid off. I think we will be ready to go for tomorrow! I will be recording the assembly and sharing it on Google Classroom. You can access Google Classroom using your child's account, the login info should be the same as it was for online learning. The Peace Train video will be available to everyone via YouTube link. :)

We also worked on Droon Movie Posters, and multiplication colour by numbers. One of the best things about a Grade 2/3 split has been giving so many grade 2 students the opportunity to learn multiplication ahead of schedule - it's typically not taught until Grade 3! Many of the Grade 2's have already acquired an exceptional foundation for this skill that I'm sure will come in handy next year. And the Grade 3's have got it down too.

We ended our day with Daily 5, Gym, and a lesson on how to draw realistic birds.

Have a nice night!


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Tuesday, June 21

 Hi parents,

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!

Our afternoon of 'camping' was a blast. The students had so much fun. I was also amazed by how well they focused during our 25 minute long 'sit spot' time in the morning. 

While many classes chose to bring out sketching journals, we decided to just sit. And it turned out to be one of the best lessons of the year! After overcoming the initial boredom, students started looking more closely at their surroundings, finding interesting bugs, leaves, rocks, all sorts of things, and all while being calm, quiet, and peaceful. It's amazing how being outside can have that calming effect. I shudder to think what would happen if I tried that same activity in the classroom....

Our assembly is this Thursday, Sports Day is on Friday, and our Talent Show is on Monday - lots to look forward to!

Have a nice night,


Sports Day - June 24

 We are so excited to be able to host a Lake Bonavista School Sports Day in 2022! Sports Day will be taking place on Friday, June 24 from 8:30am-12:15pm. On this day, students will begin in the gymnasium for a pep rally and then travel with their class and their neighbouring class outside to participate in group activities and games. Parent Council has generously provided healthy snacks all students to enjoy for the end of the day!

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Wear athletic clothing and shoes

  • Pack a water bottle and snack (we will have two snacks this day)

  • Please wear sunscreen and bug spray

  • Despite the forecasted rain, we will be moving forward with Sports Day unless there are thunderstorms, please dress accordingly

Thanks for your support!

Active Living

Monday, June 20, 2022

Monday, June 20

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today!

The students wrote 'butterfly diary' entries, from the perspectives of butterflies or caterpillars. We read the book "When We Were Young", which is a beautiful story that celebrates indigenous history and culture, while also touching on residential schools in an age-appropriate way. It's a really good one, one of my favourite indigenous resources.

We also read one of the many stories of Coyote.

Tomorrow is Indigenous Peoples Day, and we will be celebrating with a whole-school assembly, and a lot of time spent outside. In fact, we will be spending the entire afternoon, and much of the morning, outside, which is why we're also calling it 'camping day'. We will be setting up activity tents for small groups of students to use at a time. It will be land-based learning at its finest.

Please let me know if you have an easy-to-set-up tent you'd like to send to school with your child! The more the merrier!

In the afternoon, we did a 'dress rehearsal' for our assembly in the gym. The students got to use the microphones and do a full run-through of the assembly. It's going to be so good - I wish parents were allowed to be there in-person, but I can't wait to share the video. :)

We ended our day by finishing the last secrets of Droon book.

Have a nice day,


Friday, June 17, 2022

Last Spelling Words of the Year!!!

 Words Every New Grade 3 Should Know!












Words Every New Grade 4 Should Know!












Words You Will Never Need To Know








Fax Machine



Good luck!!!

Friday, June 17

 Hi parents,

We had another great day today!

The students created watercolour painting-diagrams to depict the life cycle of a butterfly. We talked about how life cycles are essentially just 'patterns' in nature.

The spelling quiz was tough, and we ran out of time to do corrections unfortunately. 

We practiced our assembly script with Ms. Greenhall's class.

We let the butterflies go!

Have a nice weekend,


Thursday, June 16, 2022

Thursday, June 16

Hi parents,

We had a great day today. Something I forgot to mention yesterday was that the students were responding to the writing prompt, "If I could be any fictional character..." 

They continued working on their responses today and the writing turned out awesome.

In the morning, we did more work with skip-counting. I'm noticing that counting by 5's and 10's is a bit of a struggle for a lot of students, particularly when starting from points other than zero. This is definitely an easy one to practice at home, and once the students catch on to the patterns, it becomes like second nature to them. I encourage everyone to do a little bit of counting tonight - just name a number, and count up from it by 1's, 2's, 5's, 10's... Even just 5 minutes a day can make a big difference. 

Today the students wrote about their plans for summer break. We also read another chapter of Droon.

In the afternoon we continued to work on crafts, and then attempted to learn the Cadillac Ranch line dance in gym. It's a tough one, but an important skill to learn, especially around Stampede.

We ended our day with Music.

Have a nice night,


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Wednesday, June 15

 Hi parents,

The blog is back! I'm happy to report that the craziness has mostly subsided, as our assembly script is finalized, the Peace Train video is complete, our recording is done, report cards are mostly done, and, most exciting of all, the butterflies have started to emerge!

The students spent a lot of time observing them today. This is actually the first time I've done butterflies in the classroom and I was really nervous that they wouldn't make it, so today was a big relief.

In the morning, we did our usual morning work period activities, and then read Droon. We're going to read it every day just to make sure we get it finished. If your child has been enjoying The Secrets of Droon books, I really recommend trying to find them at the public library, or at Value Village or Goodwill, as the books are at a perfect reading level for grade 3/4 students, and there are over 50 books in the series.

This morning we did a skip-counting practice activity which you may also want to try at home.

Students rolled two dice. The first dice represented the tens place, the second represented the ones place for their 'starting number'. They then skip counted up from that number by 2's, 5',s and 10's.

This is a great exercise as it helps students familiarize themselves with number patterns and build a better understanding of numbers to 100. Everyone is pretty good at counting to 100 from zero, , because they naturally get into the rhythm of it. But a lot of students have difficulty starting from random places. Using a 100's chart as a visual aid can help.

The students did a quick writing prompt in which they compared butterflies to things that were very different from a butterfly. For example, a pickle, a tiger, or a rock. The catch was, they had to only write about similarities.

In the afternoon we did Daily 5, Gym, and a paper-folding art project.

Have a nice night!


Friday, June 10, 2022

Spelling Words! Week of June 12

 Spelling List A                 (June 10 - 16)












Spelling List B                 (June 10 – 16)












Spelling List C       (June 10 – 16)











Things continue to be busy around Room 4 but our assembly is coming along so well - I can't wait to share it!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Wednesday, June 8 (Last Blog for a week or so!)

 Hi parents,

Things have gotten quite busy and I most likely won't be able to update the blog until next Wednesday, June 15. Between the caterpillars, report cards, and assembly preparation, there's just a lot going on and I want to make sure I'm staying on top of it. 

I sincerely apologize as I know a lot of you enjoy checking the blog on a daily basis, but I promise it will be back!

If you have any questions please continue to email me at zalink@cbe.ab.ca! 

Thank you and have a great night,


Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Tuesday, June 7

 Hi parents,

We had another good day today. In the morning, the students wrote a "3D Shape Sales Pitch", where they showed their knowledge of a shape of their choosing in a persuasive, positive, and possibly slightly pushy way.

We visited the bird-themed display case that the kindergarten classes set up, and voted on which bird should become Calgary's official bird.

We did a Butterfly-themed multiplication math problem.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, an extended Gym period, recess, and Music. 

June 27: Room 4 Annual Talent Show

A lot of students have been asking about the annual Room 4 Talent Show. I will be sending out some more information soon, but in the mean time, we've picked the tentative date of June 27. Participation is optional, but all talents are welcome!

Have a nice night,


Monday, June 6, 2022

Monday, June 6

 Hi parents,

We had yet another good day today - I feel like the conversations about staying focused and putting in the effort have paid off, because even though it's June, things do seem to be a lot more calm and orderly around Room 4.

The students wrote about their weekends and practiced spelling. We visited the library for a book exchange, and learned about cones. We completed our 3D shape wall display!

Some people claim if you look very closely, you'll see that it says 3D shapes. 

In the afternoon we practiced peace train, read Droon, and did Daily LA. We ended our day by watching a video about the Calgary Stampede, from the perspective of some tourist kids. It was pretty accurate!

Have a nice night,


Friday, June 3, 2022

Spelling Words! (Week of June 5)

 Spelling List A                 (June 5 - 9)












Spelling List B                 (June 5 – 9)












Spelling List C       (June 5 – 9)











Good luck!

Friday, June 3

 Hi parents,

We ended our week on a high note as today was another good day for room 4.

In the morning, the students worked with their social studies buddies to research Peru and answer some questions, using Pebble Go. We now have a pretty good overview of Peru, and the students should be familiar with things like the population, language, climate, and capital city. Next week we'll look more into the culture and history.

Our spelling quiz was challenging today - I'm not sure if it's because the students weren't practicing as hard, or the words were just less familiar to them. That's the thing with sight words, there's no 'trick' to practicing them other than repeatedly quizzing yourself. I've tried to get the students to do that independently but it's definitely a skill that takes time to build.

We talked about triangular prisms today, and also just prisms in general. The students learned that you can turn any 2D polygon into a prism, just by duplicating it and connecting all the vertices. 

We ended our day with Guest Reader and Daily LA.

Assembly Update: Our assembly is on June 23. Unfortunately, parents will not be able to attend, mostly just because it will be our first in-person assembly of the year and it didn't really seem fair to all the classes that had to do virtual ones. However, I will take a video of the assembly and upload it to our Google Classroom so you can watch it after!

Have a nice weekend,


Thursday, June 2, 2022

Thursday, June 2

 Hi parents,

We had another good day today!

In the morning, we discussed triangular pyramids, and the students did some more paper folding with shape nets. Only 2 more shapes to go!

We met up with our buddies again and finished testing the egg protectors.

We learned about Machu Pichu, one of the most famous landmarks in Peru. We talked about 'ruins', and imagined what Lake Bonavista Schoo would look like if it was left untouched for hundreds of years.

More and more students are finishing their fairy tales, and I am amazed by the quality of their writing. Really great stuff for report card comments. :)

We ended our day with daily LA, Gym, and Music.

Have a nice night,


Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Wednesday, June 1

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today. It was an eggceptionally fun one too.

We spent most of the morning with our kindergarten buddies, creating structures to protect an egg while being dropped from a height of around 5 feet. The students had a blast and worked so well with their buddies. The structures were actually pretty successful too! Even when the egg did crack, it was probably more my fault for not putting the egg in securely enough, because they usually survived the initial impact but then popped out and cracked.

We learned a bit about caterpillars and their incredibly unusual life cycles. 

In the afternoon, we attended the virtual Kindergarten assembly, which taught us about different types of birds. We ended our day by reading Droon and going to Gym.

Have a nice night!


Pajama Day - March 14