Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thursday, June 23

 Hi parents,

The assembly was fantastic! Maybe the best assembly in LBS history. I am so proud of the students in rooms four and five for all their hard work and dedication. I know the excessive practicing probably seemed tedious at the time, but it really did pay off. Performing and talking in front of a full gymnasium is intimidating, but everyone delivered their lines proudly and confidently, and our song was beautiful too. 

We recorded the whole thing but I likely will not be able to post it on Google Classroom until tomorrow, as it is quite a big file and it'll take a long time to upload. 

In the mean time, please enjoy our Peace Train Video!

Aside from practicing for the assembly, and later performing it, the students also wrote letters to themselves to be opened on the first day of school next year. 

We ended our day with music.

Tomorrow is Sports Day! Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and attire, as we will be going ahead with this day rain or shine. :)

After that - Monday is our Talent Show, and Tuesday is our Last Day of School!

Have a nice night!


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