Thursday, June 16, 2022

Thursday, June 16

Hi parents,

We had a great day today. Something I forgot to mention yesterday was that the students were responding to the writing prompt, "If I could be any fictional character..." 

They continued working on their responses today and the writing turned out awesome.

In the morning, we did more work with skip-counting. I'm noticing that counting by 5's and 10's is a bit of a struggle for a lot of students, particularly when starting from points other than zero. This is definitely an easy one to practice at home, and once the students catch on to the patterns, it becomes like second nature to them. I encourage everyone to do a little bit of counting tonight - just name a number, and count up from it by 1's, 2's, 5's, 10's... Even just 5 minutes a day can make a big difference. 

Today the students wrote about their plans for summer break. We also read another chapter of Droon.

In the afternoon we continued to work on crafts, and then attempted to learn the Cadillac Ranch line dance in gym. It's a tough one, but an important skill to learn, especially around Stampede.

We ended our day with Music.

Have a nice night,


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