Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday, September 18

Happy Friday!

Today was quite a milestone day for our class, because not only did we make it through our first spelling quiz, we also made it through our first full week of school.

In the morning, the students used their work period time to complete tasks from earlier in the week, such as 'otter writing', 'journal writing' and all of the Number Spotlight worksheets we did.

We went outside for our daily 'science talk', and this time, I challenged the students to count how many different plants they saw. We talked about different types of leaves, seeds, and pinecones. We also talked about the differences between fog and smoke.

As I mentioned earlier, we made it through our first spelling quiz, which was a bit of a grueling process. It probably took almost 45 minutes. This is pretty typical for the first quiz though, because for most Grade 1s, it's the first time they've ever written a quiz! I noticed that the students seemed to be pretty comfortable with spelling the words, they just needed help figuring out where to write them. Lots of quizzes looked something like this:

1. catrat sat pat mat hat



4.                     chAT

I'm confident that the next quiz will go more smoothy. :) And I'm proud of the class for persevering through the whole process!

At the end of the day, we finished our otter-themed week with a step-by-step otter drawing lesson.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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Pajama Day - March 14