Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday, June 3

 Hi parents,

We ended our week on a high note as today was another good day for room 4.

In the morning, the students worked with their social studies buddies to research Peru and answer some questions, using Pebble Go. We now have a pretty good overview of Peru, and the students should be familiar with things like the population, language, climate, and capital city. Next week we'll look more into the culture and history.

Our spelling quiz was challenging today - I'm not sure if it's because the students weren't practicing as hard, or the words were just less familiar to them. That's the thing with sight words, there's no 'trick' to practicing them other than repeatedly quizzing yourself. I've tried to get the students to do that independently but it's definitely a skill that takes time to build.

We talked about triangular prisms today, and also just prisms in general. The students learned that you can turn any 2D polygon into a prism, just by duplicating it and connecting all the vertices. 

We ended our day with Guest Reader and Daily LA.

Assembly Update: Our assembly is on June 23. Unfortunately, parents will not be able to attend, mostly just because it will be our first in-person assembly of the year and it didn't really seem fair to all the classes that had to do virtual ones. However, I will take a video of the assembly and upload it to our Google Classroom so you can watch it after!

Have a nice weekend,


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