Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Wednesday, June 22

 Hi parents,

We had another great day today. It's likely they will all be great days from here on out, as we've really reached the homestretch of our year, and I'm not looking to start any new gruelling inquiry projects at this point in time.

Today we spent quite a bit of time practicing for our assembly, but the practice definitely paid off. I think we will be ready to go for tomorrow! I will be recording the assembly and sharing it on Google Classroom. You can access Google Classroom using your child's account, the login info should be the same as it was for online learning. The Peace Train video will be available to everyone via YouTube link. :)

We also worked on Droon Movie Posters, and multiplication colour by numbers. One of the best things about a Grade 2/3 split has been giving so many grade 2 students the opportunity to learn multiplication ahead of schedule - it's typically not taught until Grade 3! Many of the Grade 2's have already acquired an exceptional foundation for this skill that I'm sure will come in handy next year. And the Grade 3's have got it down too.

We ended our day with Daily 5, Gym, and a lesson on how to draw realistic birds.

Have a nice night!


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