Thursday, March 23, 2023

Thursday, March 23

 Hi parents,

We had a really awesome day today. In the morning, we watched the long division video that I posted on the Blog yesterday, and went through the problems as a class. I am truly humbled by that man's ability to teach long division. The students walked away with a significantly stronger understanding of it today. But, any practice you choose to do at home will certainly make that understanding even stronger. Just keep in mind, it's a grade 4 concept, and an end of Grade 4 concept at that. So it'll take time.

We revisited our Peruvian artifacts one last time for our writing prompt. The students chose one artifact to write a paragraph, or for grade 4s, two paragraphs, about. The students got to choose whether to write a fictional or non-fictional paragraph. But even students writing fiction were still asked to incorporate factual information where relevant. For example, one student chose to write a fictional story about a cursed wooden mask, but also included information about how the mask was built in the Andes by Incan warriors.

The class worked for 45 minutes straight on this writing task and stayed focused the whole time. I was incredibly proud and they were proud of themselves too.

In the afternoon, we learned more about the Medicine Wheel, and had a great class discussion about wellbeing. The students did self-reflection surveys about their own physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, and answered YES / NO to a series of statements. They then wrote sentences to reflect on their strengths, and areas for growth. 

We ended our day with Daily LA, and a place value "Teacher vs. Student" Math Game called "Place Value Pickle".

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz! Don't forget to prejuggle the gufts at jord.

Have a rippy dunkamellow,


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Pajama Day - March 14