Friday, March 24, 2023

Friday, March 24

Hi parents,

We had a great day!

In the morning, we had our spelling quiz, reviewed long division, and then the students edited / perfected their Peruvian Artifact paragraphs. Then, every student had an opportunity to share their writing with the class. We worked on presentation skills, like speaking clearly, and at good volume, and of course reading with expression. 

We learned about the phrase 'je joue' in French, which means "I play", and talked about a bunch of ways we could complete that sentence. For example, "Je joue au hockey" (I play hockey), "Je joue au foot" (I play soccer), or "Je joue du piano" (I play piano).

We played the math game Classroom Of Doom and reviewed basic fact skills. 

I hope you all have a fantastic Spring Break! :D


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Pajama Day - March 14