Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Wednesday, March 22

 Hi families,

We had another good day today. In the morning, we started to delve deeper into long division. I found this video which probably explains it better than I did earlier today:

Normally I'm not a big fan of using youtube to teach but this video does an awesome job of highlighting the many steps involved!

Blog Homework: Use long division to solve the problem 928 / 4. Bring in your work for 2 bonus table points!

Keep in mind that long division is a Grade 4 math concept, and as such I am not expecting grade 3 students to have it mastered. However, the process of long division does involve numerous short division operations, so I think it's still a valuable opportunity to practice skills at the Grade 3 level. Plus, having some exposure to a concept this difficult will certainly help the Grade 3 students next year. Even just a bit of familiarity will feel like a head start.

We revisited our Peru museum, and learned more about the artifacts. We learned that traditional weaving was even used to construct armour for battles! 

In the afternoon, the students did Daily LA, Music, and a big cubby clean-up. We also discussed circles and cycles in nature, while learning about The Medicine Wheel.

Please see the previous post about Gymnastics if you haven't already - and have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14