Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Winter Concert - December 15

 LBS Winter Concert December 15 2022 

6:00 Concert  


7:30 Concert  

16 - Scherer  


7 - Burnham  

17 - Adamson  


3 - Kassam  

4 - Link  


5 - Bouchard  

2 - Brown  


6 - Cooper  

12 - Gierl   

10 - Green  


13- Romanko  


11 - Midgley  


8 - Greenhall   

  • Concert is for Grade 1-6.  Kindergarten will have their own event in the Spring 


  • Dress Rehearsals 9:30 am (6:00 show) and 12:45pm (7:30 show) will be on Dec. 15  



  • Each LBS family will receive 2 tickets to the concert.  We will also have a sign-up sheet in the office for up to 2 more tickets should they become available.   


  • Guests are able to attend Dress Rehearsals for their designated show without a ticket.  



  • Some families have a child in each concert.  These families will be contacted to ask which concert they would like all of their children to be in and they will receive 2 tickets to that concert 


  • Students in Grades 1-4 can wear what they like to the concert.  No hats please so we can see everyone’s smiling faces when they are on the stage! 

Wednesday, November 30

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today in spite of being cooped up inside!

In the morning, we had an extended work period so the class could finish up their "is money important?" writing, and the various other work tasks we'd started earlier in the week.

Then, the class started planning and creating their very own money-themed board games. And they literally worked on those non-stop for the next 90 minutes. It was awesome! We even earned back our "Fun Friday". :)

The expectations for the board games were kept pretty flexible to allow for student creativity. Basically, the only rules are that the games must be playable by at least 2 players, be simple enough that anyone can learn the rules, and incorporate decimal / money math in some way. This is another big project, like the Wish Tree dioramas, so it'll take a couple more days to finish, but I'm hoping we can have a day next week where everyone gets to try each other's board games.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, classroom gym / body break, and learned about some other animals found in India.

Have a nice night,



Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tuesday, November 29

 Hi parents,

We had another good day today that was once again full of interesting discussions. It was very money-centred.

Today the students discussed the question, "Is money important?", and then wrote their thoughts in their journals. 

We played a cheap Monopoly Jr. ripoff called "Link-opoly". The game involved many aspects of Monopoly, such as buying properties, but the students used Canadian coins instead of Monopoly bills, which made it a lot more challenging and gave them practice adding and subtracting dollars and cents.

The other purpose of this mediocre game was to inspire them to make their own money-themed board games, which we will start doing tomorrow. We discussed the strengths and shortcomings of Linkopoly and I'm hoping the students will be able to use that information to create far better games, that still revolve around the same math concepts.

In the afternoon we had Music and Daily LA. We played some awesome games of Dr. Dodgeball in gym too, as the students were showing exemplary teamwork and strategy. It really felt like a completely different game!

Have a nice night,


Monday, November 28, 2022

Monday, November 28

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today!

In the morning, the students wrote in their journals. They had the option to do a classic Weekend Journal, or to write about a time they saved money.

We're learning about decimals and coins in math, and trying to find ways to connect it to other areas of learning as well. Today, the students discussed the question, "would you rather have three twoonies, or one of each Canadian coin (a twoonie, a loonie, a quarter, etc.)

We also talked about the idea of 'giving change', and how the same quantity can be expressed in different ways with different coins. For example, 5 dimes and 2 quarters both equal $0.50.

Students experimented with different ways of showing $4.60 using coins. Then, they started working on paper coin sets, which we will be using for a fun math project in the near future.

In the afternoon we did Daily LA and Gym, and learned a bit more about India too by reading a book as a class. We ended the day with Spelling, and talked about the -er suffix and how it changes words.

Have a nice night!


Thursday, November 24, 2022

LBS Winter Concert Info

 LBS Winter Concert December 15 2022 

6:00 Concert  


7:30 Concert  

16 - Scherer  


7 - Burnham  

17 - Adamson  


3 - Kassam  

4 - Link  


5 - Bouchard  

2 - Brown  


6 - Cooper  

12 - Gierl   

10 - Green  


13- Romanko  


11 - Midgley  


8 - Greenhall   

  • Concert is for Grade 1-6.  Kindergarten will have their own event in the Spring 
  • Dress Rehearsals 9:30 am (6:00 show) and 12:45pm (7:30 show) will be on Dec. 15  


  • Each LBS family will receive 2 tickets to the concert.  We will also have a sign-up sheet in the office for up to 2 more tickets should they become available.   


  • Guests are able to attend Dress Rehearsals for their designated show without a ticket.  


  • Some families have a child in each concert.  These families will be contacted to ask which concert they would like all of their children to be in and they will receive 2 tickets to that concert.  


  • Students in Grades 1-4 can wear what they like to the concert.  No hats please so we can see everyone’s smiling faces when they are on the stage! 

Spelling Words (Week of Nov. 27)

 Spelling List A (Nov. 27 – Dec. 2)












Spelling List B (Nov. 27 – Dec. 2)












Spelling List C (Nov. 27 – Dec. 2)











When practicing these words, you may want to discuss the suffix 'er', and how it basically changes 'verb / noun' into 'someone who does the verb / noun'. 
We will also be discussing how words that already end with an 'e' just have an 'r' suffix added, while other words have 'er' added.

Good luck spellers!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Wednesday, November 23

 Hi parents,

Today started off as another off-day but the students ended strong. In the morning, the class was tasked with writing about what they would do if they were magically transported into a book of their choosing. I thought this would be a fun writing activity with lots of room for expanding and creativity, but sadly most students opted to do the bare minimum (often even less than the bare minimum!) We had a stern class discussion afterwards. 

Students may have taken this talk to heart, because in the afternoon, they did a fantastic job working in partners to research various plants that are used for healing different ailments, and rewriting the information in their own words. So that definitely helped to redeem us.

Further redemption was found in today's long-awaited Addition & Subtraction quiz, which for many students was a golden opportunity to showcase the incredible growth they've made in math over the past month or so. When we started subtraction, the students were struggling through 2-digit problems. Now they're crushing multi-step problems in the 100,000's! Even word problems! Furthermore, they're showing more test-taking confidence than ever. 

We also did Daily 5 and work period. It's nice to see our attendance numbers ticking back up again. I am hopeful we're through the worst of the sickness!

Looking forward to seeing you all at conferences! Please remember to book a spot if you haven't already, and make sure to email me if there's any issues with that process.


The old link wasn't working so try this one.

Have a nice night!


Ready for conferences!

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tuesday, November 22

 Hi parents, 

We had an off-day today and unfortunately ended up losing the "Fun Friday" that was planned for Thursday. This was mostly just due to general unruliness, and students not really listening to instructions. Maybe if tomorrow goes really well we can earn it back.....

The spelling quiz seemed to go pretty well, although they're not all marked yet.

The students wrote their good copies for our snack writing project, and I am so happy to report that they should all be ready to go for conferences - last week, conferences seemed like an impossible deadline, but somehow everyone managed to get caught up!

In math, we worked through a word problem to prepare for tomorrow, which as I'm sure you know has been moved to tomorrow. Excited to get that one checked off the list too.

Conferences - Thursday, November 24 & Friday, November 25

Conferences are back in person this year, which is quite exciting, as I know there are lots of things the students will want to share. The Wish Tree dioramas will be set up like exhibits in a Wish Tree museum, and we'll have a chance to go over lots of other work too. Please book if you have not already done so!

Have a nice night,



 Mabel’s Label’s is offering Lake Bonavista School up to 50% off their products for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, and will donate proceeds on top of that to our school! This is one of the best promos available from Mabel’s Labels. Head over to and select the Lake Bonavista School Council fundraiser before shopping.

The Holiday flower fundraiser ends tonight at 11:59 pm. Unfortunately, there is not the option to extend this order past tomorrow night due to shipping requirements. Please place your orders today at and mark your calendars for pick up on Friday, December 2nd from 11:30 am - 1:00 pm in the staff parking lot!

Monday, November 21, 2022

Monday, November 21

 Hi parents,

It is good to be back! Thank you for your extended patience as I've been exceptionally disorganized the last few days. Due to postponing last week's quiz, it being a four day week, and a large number of students still being away, I've decided we're going to take this week off from new spelling words. The quiz on last week's words will be tomorrow. It didn't seem fair to ask the students to start studying new words while quizzing them on old words.

Today was a catch-up day, for me and also for the students. With so many students having missed various things over the past couple weeks, it seems everyone has something they needed to catch up on, and the few students who were caught up have started working on new personal projects. So all around it was pretty productive.

Today was also Mr. Ripka's first day as a student teacher in our class. The students wrote introductions about themselves for him to read. They also had the choice to write about their weekend if they preferred.

We visited the Book Fair, and the class filled out their Wish Lists. If you would like to buy anything from your child's Wishlist, please ensure you initial their form and send them with exact change!

 We watched a quick video about wildlife in India. 

Our Subtraction Quiz (also featuring a couple addition problems) will be on Wednesday, November 23. While we may have spent a bit more time on subtraction than I'd initially hoped, it's so cool to see how fluent the students have become with subtraction, even with numbers in the ten thousands and beyond. Probably the best I've ever seen. :)

Have a nice night,


Friday, November 18, 2022

Friday, Nov 18 Update

 Hi parents,

I hope you are all doing well, and I apologize for the lack of a blog post yesterday - I ended up having to go home sick and taking today off as well. 

As a result, there are a few big things that will be postponed until next week: the subtraction quiz, the spelling quiz, and 'fun Friday', which the students had earned for their excellent behavior all week.

I'm not sure exactly which days they will be yet but I will keep you posted. Also stay tuned for next week's spelling words, which should be up by Sunday.

Have a nice weekend!


Thursday, November 17, 2022

The Book Fair Is On!

 Our Book Fair has started. The link below is active. 


We are pleased to be hosting a hybrid (In-School and Virtual) Scholastic Book.   

Each class will get an opportunity to visit the Book Fair on either Monday, November 21st or Tuesday, November 22nd 


Attached is your child’s wish list. If you would like to purchase anything from your child’s wish list you can choose to do so using any of the three methods listed below.  


Purchase Options:  

·         Cash sent in with your child and initialed wish list  

o    Initial next to the items you would like to purchase and send in exact cash  

o    Please note, that in-school purchases already include GST 

o    Cash orders need to be sent in by Thursday, November 24th 

·         Online using the link posted on your child’s teachers blog or below  

o    Virtual Book Fair Link:

  Link is active from Monday, November 21st till Sunday, November 27th  

o    Online orders will be shipped to the school and sent home with your child when they arrive 

·         In-Person during your parent teacher conference time   

*Dear Parents: You are under no obligation to purchase the products listed.*  

Pajama Day - March 14