Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tuesday, November 29

 Hi parents,

We had another good day today that was once again full of interesting discussions. It was very money-centred.

Today the students discussed the question, "Is money important?", and then wrote their thoughts in their journals. 

We played a cheap Monopoly Jr. ripoff called "Link-opoly". The game involved many aspects of Monopoly, such as buying properties, but the students used Canadian coins instead of Monopoly bills, which made it a lot more challenging and gave them practice adding and subtracting dollars and cents.

The other purpose of this mediocre game was to inspire them to make their own money-themed board games, which we will start doing tomorrow. We discussed the strengths and shortcomings of Linkopoly and I'm hoping the students will be able to use that information to create far better games, that still revolve around the same math concepts.

In the afternoon we had Music and Daily LA. We played some awesome games of Dr. Dodgeball in gym too, as the students were showing exemplary teamwork and strategy. It really felt like a completely different game!

Have a nice night,


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