Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Wednesday, November 23

 Hi parents,

Today started off as another off-day but the students ended strong. In the morning, the class was tasked with writing about what they would do if they were magically transported into a book of their choosing. I thought this would be a fun writing activity with lots of room for expanding and creativity, but sadly most students opted to do the bare minimum (often even less than the bare minimum!) We had a stern class discussion afterwards. 

Students may have taken this talk to heart, because in the afternoon, they did a fantastic job working in partners to research various plants that are used for healing different ailments, and rewriting the information in their own words. So that definitely helped to redeem us.

Further redemption was found in today's long-awaited Addition & Subtraction quiz, which for many students was a golden opportunity to showcase the incredible growth they've made in math over the past month or so. When we started subtraction, the students were struggling through 2-digit problems. Now they're crushing multi-step problems in the 100,000's! Even word problems! Furthermore, they're showing more test-taking confidence than ever. 

We also did Daily 5 and work period. It's nice to see our attendance numbers ticking back up again. I am hopeful we're through the worst of the sickness!

Looking forward to seeing you all at conferences! Please remember to book a spot if you haven't already, and make sure to email me if there's any issues with that process.


The old link wasn't working so try this one.

Have a nice night!


Ready for conferences!

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