Monday, November 28, 2022

Monday, November 28

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today!

In the morning, the students wrote in their journals. They had the option to do a classic Weekend Journal, or to write about a time they saved money.

We're learning about decimals and coins in math, and trying to find ways to connect it to other areas of learning as well. Today, the students discussed the question, "would you rather have three twoonies, or one of each Canadian coin (a twoonie, a loonie, a quarter, etc.)

We also talked about the idea of 'giving change', and how the same quantity can be expressed in different ways with different coins. For example, 5 dimes and 2 quarters both equal $0.50.

Students experimented with different ways of showing $4.60 using coins. Then, they started working on paper coin sets, which we will be using for a fun math project in the near future.

In the afternoon we did Daily LA and Gym, and learned a bit more about India too by reading a book as a class. We ended the day with Spelling, and talked about the -er suffix and how it changes words.

Have a nice night!


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