Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thursday, May 27

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today, and our surprise 'Thriller' flash mob was a bit success! Ms. Jones had no idea what we were planning and seemed to be overjoyed to be part of such a fun, unique experience. It also brought the whole school together outside which was awesome.

In the morning, the students also had Music class, and we watched an Arthur episode in which Arthur feels super nervous for a piano recital, and later learns that it's okay to make mistakes, even in front of a big audience. We had some great class discussions afterwards - it turns out, feeling nervous about performing is something a lot of students can relate to!

We learned about two new 3-D shapes today - Cubes, and Spheres. We got to listen to my #1 favourite Jack Hartmann song, "Cubie the Icecube". It's lyrical gold. Only a true musical genius could get away with rhyming 'cube' with 'cube'.  Cubie the Ice Cube

In the afternoon we did Daily 5 and Spelling Practice.

Boats and Buoyancy Project - Send Bottles!

We are going to be starting a 'boat building' project next week, and it would be great if each student could bring 2 - 4 plastic bottles or aluminum cans to school (or any other plastic container that floats). I'm hoping the kids can make some really intricate and creative boats this year, and to do that, they'll need some buoyant materials for the hull.

The Third Annual Room 6 Talent Show!

I would like to continue the tradition of having a talent show to end our school year! I'm in the process of figuring out an exact date, but it will be near the end of June. I thought I'd give you all a heads up now, just so your child has a chance to start thinking about what talent they may want to showcase. This is completely optional! Stay tuned for an email with more information coming soon.

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14