Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Wednesday, May 26

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today!

In the morning, the students practiced their Thriller dance for Music class, and then we did some writing around a picture prompt.

This picture prompt, in fact:

The class did an awesome job with this, and there was such a wide variety of response styles. Some kids wrote stories, others wrote from the perspective of the cat, and others just chose to describe the picture in detail. 
We watched a video that taught about sailboats, and the class labeled their own sailboat diagrams.

In the afternoon, we did Daily 5, and learned about Cylinders. The work we're doing with 3-D shapes is basically just carrying on with the worksheets the students did while learning at home, so this was a bit of a review for some of them. That's okay though - I think that having some prior knowledge or cylinders allowed more students to share ideas in today's class discussion, and I think it also helped reinforce the concepts of vertices, edges, and faces.

Have a nice night!

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