Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday, May 28

 Happy Friday!

We had an awesome day today and it was a great way to wrap up our first week back at school.

In the morning, we had our Spelling Quiz, and then did another page in the Shape of the Day booklets. Today's shape was the cone. We watched "Cubie the Ice Cube" again, but this time it was for musical inspiration - I challenged the students to write their own shape songs, following the tune of Cubie. They turned out really well and I hope the students get them stuck in their heads. Having educational music stuck in your head is a great way to learn (although it can also be a bit annoying).

We watched the Pixar short film "Piper".  The students really enjoyed this one. It's about a cute baby bird who learns how to face its fears. We had a great discussion about the importance of learning how to do things on your own - teachers and parents like to help, but sometimes, the most helpful thing we can do is let students try things independently. This has been an ongoing conversation this year and I think this film really gave new meaning to the message.

We discussed the concepts of 'problems' and 'solutions' too, in a broad sense, and also in terms of Piper.

Boats and Buoyancy - Bottles Wanted!

I would like to start our boat building project early next week - if you have any bottles, cans, or plastic containers that are buoyant, please send them to school on Monday.

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words - and have a nice weekend!


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Pajama Day - March 14