Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Wednesday, April 7

*It looks like I accidentally saved this post as a draft instead of posting it. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused!*

Hi parents,

We had another awesome day today!

In the morning, the students created simple boats using tinfoil, and experimented to see if they would sink or float when loaded up with various objects. This activity is always a lot of fun and I wouldn't be surprised if the kids ask to try it out at home too. 

The students continued to work on their spring break journals during the morning work period.

The students got some exciting news today - our class, and several other classes, will get to observe a dozen eggs as they go through the incubation process and eventually hatch into chicks! Today, the students learned about the steps that an egg goes through before hatching. We talked about the importance of observing and handling the eggs respectfully and peacefully. We haven't actually got to see them yet though.

The students are still working on 2-digit addition and subtraction. It's a long process as you can probably tell. However, I think we're ready to start working some word problems into the mix, so that should keep things interesting for the rest of the week.

We didn't watch this video in class, but it could help the students to gain a more solid understanding of the concepts we discussed! Zoboomafoo 135 - Who's in the egg?

We ended our day with spelling practice and Daily 5.

Have a nice day!


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Pajama Day - March 14