Thursday, April 8, 2021

Thursday, April 8

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today all around!

The students continued to work on their addition and subtraction in the morning, and had Music class. 

Ms. Rehill brought a bunch of fun building materials that the students used to build their own 'Titanic' during Explore and Play.

We learned about Ontario today as part of our "This Land is Our Land" project. We watched this video: Ontario Video

Then, the students drew pictures and wrote words to show their personal connection to Ontario. We found out that we all do have a personal connection to Ontario because it's where Ms. Rehill was born, and she's everyone's favourite teacher.

The students also got to see the Eggs for the first time today. Interestingly, they are all slightly different colours and shapes, and they don't look as clean and pristine as eggs you'd find at a grocery store. Not even 'organic' eggs.

The afternoon was filled with Daily 5, Work Period time, and Spelling Practice.

On that note - tomorrow is our spelling quiz. I have high hopes for this one based on what I've seen from the students this week in class!

Have a nice night,


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