Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Tuesday, April 6

 Hi parents,

I hope you all had an excellent Spring Break!

I think the students must've all really enjoyed their time off, because today they were in exceptionally good spirits and did an awesome job with every task they were presented with. I think today may have been one of our best days of the year!

In the morning, the students got right to work on their 2-digit addition and subtraction math - Ms. Rehill and I were both impressed by how well they all remembered it!

The students also had time to write about their Spring Breaks in their journals. A lot of students wrote more sentences for this prompt than for any other activity this year.

We did a really fun Easter Egg scavenger hunt activity this morning too. The students were given maps of the schoolyard and a nearby park. The maps showed where to find 8 hidden eggs, each decorated with a unique pattern. Students worked in pairs to locate each egg, and sketch the patterns to prove they had done so. The students were mostly independent during this activity, but we did walk to and from the other park as a full class.

In the afternoon, we brainstormed -ai words before the students practiced their new spelling words.

We practiced passing and dribbling using soccer balls in gym, and did Daily 5.

Have a nice evening!


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Pajama Day - March 14