Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Wednesday, October 28

 Hi parents,

We had a much better day today and the class was able to earn back their "Halloween" celebration! 

In the morning, we did a lot of work around 'subtraction'. I noticed that the number one issues that arose was kids accidentally solving the problems I gave as though they were addition problems. Once they started 'taking away' instead of adding, the problems were a breeze. For Grade 1 students, finger counting is a fantastic strategy for solving subtraction problems with numbers up to 10 (which is mostly what they're working on right now).

I'm working with the Grade 2 students on 2-digit subtraction problems, mostly without regrouping (borrowing) but we'll get there soon.

The students wrote the beginnings of scary stories this morning. We talked about how scary stories often take place in scary settings, for example, "a dark and stormy night". Some students were able to get their whole stories completed too! This was our first story writing task of the year and it was cool to see where everyone is at. Usually we do more story writing near the end of the year when the students are more confident with their spelling, but this was definitely a great first effort! 

In the afternoon, we did Daily 5, and it actually went really well today! The students did printing practice with the letter D, and ended the day with Work Period.

Thursday, October 29 - Halloween at Lake Bonavista School

Tomorrow is our optional Halloween Celebration at school. Students are invited to wear their costumes to school. Alternatively, your child could wear orange and black, or just whatever they like. Face paint is also welcome, but keep in mind that we do have to wear masks in the halls, and it might get smudged. There will be no snacks or goodie bags this year. There was talk of an outdoor Halloween parade around the field but I haven't heard any updates on that yet - maybe there will be an email? 

If your child is wearing a costume to school, it should be comfortable enough to wear all day, and appropriate for school (no weapons, blood, etc.)

Tomorrow is also the Spelling Quiz!

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14