Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tuesday, October 27

 Hi parents,

I'm not really sure what was going on today but it was quite a rough one... In the morning, we did what was supposed to be a really fun, scientific Halloween activity, in which the students had to reach into mystery boxes and figure out what kinds of 'spooky' substance they felt. The boxes were labeled as 'eyeballs' (grapes), 'finger nails' (almond shavings), 'boogers' (craisins), 'worms' (spaghetti noodles) and 'spider legs' (pipe cleaners). I was happy to see that a few students really enjoyed themselves and seemed to buy into it, but unfortunately most of the class just didn't participate and wandered around revealing the mystery tubs. So that was pretty sad. 

We has Music in the morning too, and the students did a bit of writing in response to the prompt: "How to Trick or Treat" or "How to Scare Someone", students' choice.

The rest of the day was basically endless talking, calling out, and shenanigans and we weren't able to accomplish much else. There were some shining moments though! The students drew werewolves for their monster books using an "Art Hub" video. I think werewolves were the most challenging one yet so that was pretty impressive. I told the class a scary story at the end of the day and they laughed through the whole thing. I think they must be getting brave! Or they're just finding ways of making scary situations less scary. Good life skills either way!

We have currently lost our 'Halloween party' for Thursday but the students can earn it back with exceptional behaviour tomorrow (it is just a bluff!). I have never actually taken away a party before and I don't intend to start, so hopefully the possibility of losing it will help the kids get their act together. We'll spend a lot of time with relearning classroom expectations tomorrow and maybe over the next week or so too. I'm sure it will do the trick and we'll be back on track soon.

Have a nice night,



  1. Oh dear not a great Tuesday. I’m sorry to hear this 😫 I have had a chat so hopefully Wyck will at least be trying extra hard tomorrow! We appreciate how much you do with the kids!

  2. I find that reminding them you only have so much energy and that when they act up you have to use extra energy to manage them. Then you have no energy left for the fun things!

  3. Thank you! The kids were much calmer today. I see this pattern with Grade 1/2's a lot - they almost always bounce back after a bad day, after they've had some time to reflect and talk to parents about it.


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Pajama Day - March 14