Thursday, October 29, 2020

Thursday, October 29

 Hi parents,

We had an awesome Halloween celebration day today - it was truly a ton of fun.

In the morning, the students went on a Halloween Scavenger Hunt outside, in which they had to locate seven tiny pumpkins that were hidden all across our school field and playgrounds. They used picture clues to help them find the general vicinity that each pumpkin was in. They had lots of fun and got even more exercise as they ran back and forth across the field finding pumpkins.

We watched a movie called "Spookley the Square Pumpkin" in chunks throughout the day. It was only 40 minutes so we divided it up into four 10 minute blocks. I find that the kids have a hard time sitting for much longer than that, especially when Halloween is just around the corner.

We had our spelling quiz in the afternoon, and then went to the gym to play some Halloween games. We did a "Spooky Smells" science activity, which went much better than our touch activity from earlier in the week. For this activity, the students had to smell a variety of mystery substances, and predict what each one was. 

The class had free choice for the last half hour of the day. 

Tomorrow is a PD Day, so I hope you all have an awesome Halloween weekend!


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Pajama Day - March 14