Friday, November 29, 2024

Spelling Words (Week of Dec. 1)

 Spelling List A (Nov. 28 – Dec. 6)












Spelling List B (Nov. 28 – Dec. 6)












Spelling List C (Nov. 28 – Dec. 6)











The letter blend of the week is -ur. I have a feeling it'll be a tough one, there are a lot of less-familiar words this week. Good luck!

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Thursday, November 28

 Hi parents,

We had a good end to our week today. In the morning, we had the spelling quiz (which the class did exceptionally well on, but I didn't have a chance to hand back) and then we did a Science lesson on the four domains of earth: the lithosphere, biosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere. I had never heard of these terms until last year but they basically refer to the rocks, life forms, water, and gases on earth, and how each system can affect the other systems. Students did this activity to represent the focus of each system, by colouring the parts of earth that each sphere encompassed:

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, and then did a lesson on how to draw a realistic oak tree (in honour of Wish Tree).

Secret Spirit Week Next Week

This week, the teachers did a secret spirit week and wore different styles of clothes each day of the week. Students tried to guess the theme each day. Next week the kids in Room 3 are doing their own secret spirit week. They worked with Ms. Budd to organize it and send home the info. I don't know what the plan is but I'm going to try to guess each day. 

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, coming tomorrow.

Have a nice weekend!


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Wednesday, November 27

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, we had a math review quiz that covered Addition and Subtraction, and was very similar to the quiz we did in October but with different numbers. I was really happy to see that the students had a lot more confidence this time around, and many students were able to improve on their last score. I have an 'unlimited re-do' policy, so for anyone who is unhappy with how today's quiz went, there'll be plenty of opportunities for redemption in the future.

We also met with our buddy class in the morning and helped them with a writing task they're working on. This activity also gave our class an opportunity to review the concept of 'culture', and to get to know their buddies on a deeper level.

When we got back, the students wrote sentences using their spelling words,  and using commas. 

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, read Wish Tree, and had Music.

There is no school on Friday, so our spelling quiz will be tomorrow.

Have a nice night,


Monday, November 25, 2024

Monday, November 25

 Hi parents,

Today we continued learning about commas. We focused on their usefulness when writing lists of objects or attributes. the students showed their skill with commas by completing sentence starters, using commas to separate list items. For example:

"The colours of the rainbow are...[red,  orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.]

BLOG HOMEWORK (+2 points)

Complete each sentence. Use at least 2 commas in each.

1. The best things to do in the snow are...

2. Some examples of mammals include...

3. I am... (think character trait adjectives!)

In math, we talked about Skip-Counting, and how it can help us solve multiplication problems. We went over the pattern you can observe when skip-counting by 9's. We also went over the 5's.

We read some more Wish Tree, did Daily LA, and ended our day with Music.

Have a nice night,


"Winter Event" - Dec. 12


Friday, November 22, 2024

Spelling Words (Week of Nov. 22)

 Spelling List A (Nov. 22 – 28)












Spelling List B (Nov. 22 – 28)












Spelling List C (Nov. 22 – 28)











The letter blend this week is 'or'. Once again I tried to throw some interesting vocabulary words into the mix, so please take some time to go over the meanings of each word if you're practicing at home!

Friday, November 22

 Hi parents,

We ended the week on a high note with another good day. In the morning, we did our spelling quiz, and had work time to finish up work from earlier in the week. Many students were able to finish their volcano / erosion / earth's layers paragraphs, complete with labelled diagrams.

We met up with our buddies and planned and built snow forts. 

In math, we played a new-and-improved version of 'Classroom of Doom', which all around was a big hit, and gave kids plenty of basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication fact practice.

We ended the day by reading Wish Tree.

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a nice weekend,


Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thursday, November 21

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today. In the morning, we read a book about erosion and weathering, and learned how not only water, but also wind, sun, and ice can change the landscape. We even learned how burrowing animals can shape it.

The students wrote paragraphs explaining one of the following topics in simple terms: erosion, tectonic plates, volcanos, and earth's layers.

They did a fantastic job with this task but will need more time to finish up tomorrow.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA and read Wish Tree. 

We also did a math activity that reviewed all of the multiplication strategies we've looked at so far - arrays, 'noodle and bowls', repeated addition, skip-counting, and using pictures.

BLOG HOMEWORK (+2 table points)

Solve the problem. Show your work.

The Grade 3 and 4 students at LBS want to go on a field trip to Fish Creek. They can fit 48 kids on a bus, and they book 3 buses. How many kids are able to go to Fish Creek by bus?

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz - lets end the week on a high note!

Have a nice night,


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Wednesday, November 20

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today. In the morning, the class was so quiet and focused as we wrote sentences for our spelling words and finished up work from earlier in the week. In math, we learned the "Arrays" strategy for multiplication, which basically involves creating a grid arrangement to represent a multiplication problem. 

The arrays strategy isn't particularly fast, but it is reliable, and it helps lay the foundations for understanding the concept of "area". 

We read some more of Wish Tree, and met "Samar", one the book's main characters. 

In Science, we re-watched a Bill Nye episode about the Earth's crust. The last time we'd watched it had been during snack, and students were only half paying attention, but this time we paused throughout the video and had some good discussions.

We ended the day with Daily LA and Music.

Have a nice night,


Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Tuesday, November 19

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today.

In the morning, we learned about commas, and how to effectively use them in writing. There are actually a ton of different ways to use commas, so today, we just focused on "If", "When", and time-based sentences. For example:

"If you like Sylvster Stalone, you should watch The Expendables"

"When you go out, don't forget to lock the door"

"In the morning, I eat breakfast".

The students wrote their own sentences to practice.

This morning, we also used the Stamp Game (which has really emerged as the favourite) to solve 3-digit by 1-digit multiplication problems, using repeated addition. This material is great for building a foundational understanding of the multiplication algorithm.

In the afternoon, we did some science work with a big tray of dirt. The students took soil samples and use loupe magnifiers to look closely at all of the components - they observed roots, minerals, wood chips, dead plants, and even ants. Then, we used the same dirt tray to model the process of 'erosion' and how flowing water can change a landscape. 

We ended our day by reading Wish Tree.

Have a nice night,


Monday, November 18, 2024

Monday, November 18

 Hi parents,

We had a bit of a loud and unruly day today, even after spending lots of time outside in the morning.

We learned the 'repeated addition' strategy in multiplication. This basically just involves adding a number to itself over and over again. It's a good introductory strategy for 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication, because you can solve a problem like "24 x 4 = ___" simply by adding 24 + 24 + 24 + 24. This addition isn't any more difficult than what we've already covered, but the potential to carry a number other than '1' might throw students off.

We went over this week's spelling words and practiced them. We also did Daily LA, and read the first few chapters of Wish Tree. At the end of the day we had Music.

Have a nice night,


Friday, November 15, 2024

Spelling Words (Week of Nov. 15)

 Spelling List A (Nov. 15 – 22)












Spelling List B (Nov. 15 – 22)












Spelling List C (Nov. 15 – 22)











The theme this week is -ar - in general, the words focus on the class 'arr' pirate sound, but I threw a few exceptions in as well. We may revisit the concept again the following week to look at the exceptions in more detail, because there are a lot of them!

Friday, November 15

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today, a perfect way to wrap up our excruciatingly long, exhausting week of 1.5 days. In the morning, we had gym and the spelling quiz, as well as a lot of work time for the November Break narrative writing task. 

We did Daily LA, and then learned about using pictures to solve multiplication problems. I want to make sure students know all the slow, concrete strategies for multiplication before we start any fact memorization / mental math strategies. Noodles and Bowls, and drawing picture representations, are accurate, reliable strategies, despite being slow, and I want to make sure everyone feels confident using them. It's always good to have a backup plan if mental math isn't working.

We talked about Earth's layers as part of a quick science lesson.  We're still on the topic of how natural forces shape earth's surface, and we're going to be learning about volcanoes next week.

Stay tuned for next week's spelling words, and have a nice weekend!


Thursday, November 14, 2024

Thursday, November 14

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day back at school after the break. The students did a lot of writing in their journals today, as they wrote about one specific event from their breaks. We're trying to move away from the 'list-style' narratives (I woke up, then I ate breakfast, then I played, then I napped,  etc.) and instead focus on developing one interesting event in detail. They actually did an excellent job with this task, I had expected it to take a lot longer than it did!

In math, we played "Place Value Bingo". We haven't explicitly studied place value for a while so I was super impressed by how well the class retained it.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA and Spelling practice. We also previewed and discussed the front cover of our new novel study - Wish Tree.

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz. Based on what I saw today, some last minute practicing wouldn't hurt....

Have a nice night,


Rock Your Mocs - November 18


"Rock Your Mocs is a worldwide Indigenous Peoples movement held annually during Metis Week in Canada. People are encouraged to wear moccasins and Mukluks to celebrate the diverse Indigenous cultures across the globe. Rock your Mocs is about unifying Indigenous Peoples globally, promoting cultural pride, and showcasing the diversity of nations.

LBS staff and students are invited to wear their moccasins on Monday, November 18th if they are able to.

Art by Hawlii Pichette @urban.iskwew "

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Thursday, November 7

 Hi parents,

We had another great day today. In the morning, Ms. A (our student teacher) led a lesson about Sharing Circles and effective groupwork skills. The students created 'Talking Sticks' for each table, working collaboratively to make sure the sticks reflected contributions from each group member.

The grade 5/6 classes led an excellent Remembrance Day assembly, that taught the school about many lesser-known Canadian war heroes, and also featured beautiful songs and poetry.

In the afternoon, we did a Remembrance Day art project. Before we knew it, it was time for the end-of-day clean-up and Music class.

At the end of the day, I handed out a whole bunch of things - Class photos, art, a MAPSS form, Scholastic Book Orders, and the addition and subtraction quiz from a couple weeks ago. There will be opportunities for a 'do-over' on that quiz in the near future, so please don't worry about the grades. 

Remember that tomorrow is a PD day, and also the first day of November break - we won't be back in school until next Thursday!

Have a nice break,


Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Wednesday, November 6

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today, especially in the morning. The kids worked on their Calgary in Motion workbooks, and answered reading comprehension questions about a separate workbook on the Invictus Games and Remembrance Day.

In math, we played "Classroom of Doom". Multiplication has been added to the game to make it more challenging!

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, and then wrote sentences for our spelling words.

We ended the day by looking at the data for how students travelled to school. The students made observations about it.

The spelling quiz has been post-poned until next Friday, November 15, just because this week is short, and next week only has two schools days so it would be pointless to start new words.

Tomorrow is our Remembrance Day assembly. Please consider sending a donation with your child.

Have a nice night,


Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Friday, October 18

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today with a tiny class. 

In the morning, the students went off in pairs to survey every class in our school about how they got to school today. We're going to go over the data tomorrow and make observations and predictions.

In math, we learned the "noodle and bowls" strategy for solving multiplication problems. This strategy is only slightly less 'concrete' than the Montessori materials, as it involves drawing circles (bowls) to represent groups, and then filling each bowl with a set number of lines (noodles) to represent that quantity of each group. So for example, you could solve 3 x 4 by drawing 3 bowls. adding 4 noodles to each bowl, and then counting up the total number of noodles to find the product.

In the afternoon, the students worked in groups to read, and re-read, specific paragraphs from "Trapped in Transylvania", that really showcased the narrator's personality. For example:

We talked about how the narrator, Devin, is able to take a scary story like Dracula, and actually make it pretty funny.  It'll be interesting to compare Devin's narration style to the one we're about to experience in "Wish Tree" (the narrator is a tree).

We ended the day with Music.

Tomorrow is School T Shirt Day! The Shirts went home today! If your child was away, they can get their shirt tomorrow and wear it on top of whatever else they wore!

Have a nice night,


Monday, November 4, 2024

Monday, Nov. 4

 Hi parents,

Today we finished reading Trapped in Transylvania! Only two school days behind schedule, that's pretty good. The students were pretty engaged by this book from start to finish and I really enjoyed reading it and talking to them about it.

In math, we worked with the coloured bead bars on multiplication basic facts. The students have definitely got the hang of making groups, and counting up totals, so now we can turn our focus to building skip-counting skills to make the whole process more efficient.

We started talking about remembrance day and how buying and wearing a poppy can help veterans. We also talked about why veterans may need support - the students had a good understanding of the mental and physical trauma that can come from fighting a war, and how these obstacles can make it harder for veterans to support themselves when they come home.

On Thursday, our school is having a Remembrance Day assembly, and all students will be given a poppy. Please consider sending a donation with your child.

Have a nice night,


Friday, November 1, 2024

Spelling Words! (Week of Nov. 3)

 Spelling List A ( Nov. 1 - Nov. 7)












Spelling List B (Nov. 1 - Nov. 7)












Spelling List C (Nov. 1 - Nov. 7)











The theme this week is -y endings. I don't anticipate these words will be very difficult, but each list has at least a couple that students might not be familiar with, so think of it as a vocabulary building opportunity as much as an opportunity to practice an incredibly common spelling pattern.

Good luck!


Pajama Day - March 14