Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Wednesday, November 20

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today. In the morning, the class was so quiet and focused as we wrote sentences for our spelling words and finished up work from earlier in the week. In math, we learned the "Arrays" strategy for multiplication, which basically involves creating a grid arrangement to represent a multiplication problem. 

The arrays strategy isn't particularly fast, but it is reliable, and it helps lay the foundations for understanding the concept of "area". 

We read some more of Wish Tree, and met "Samar", one the book's main characters. 

In Science, we re-watched a Bill Nye episode about the Earth's crust. The last time we'd watched it had been during snack, and students were only half paying attention, but this time we paused throughout the video and had some good discussions.

We ended the day with Daily LA and Music.

Have a nice night,


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