Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Wednesday, November 6

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today, especially in the morning. The kids worked on their Calgary in Motion workbooks, and answered reading comprehension questions about a separate workbook on the Invictus Games and Remembrance Day.

In math, we played "Classroom of Doom". Multiplication has been added to the game to make it more challenging!

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, and then wrote sentences for our spelling words.

We ended the day by looking at the data for how students travelled to school. The students made observations about it.

The spelling quiz has been post-poned until next Friday, November 15, just because this week is short, and next week only has two schools days so it would be pointless to start new words.

Tomorrow is our Remembrance Day assembly. Please consider sending a donation with your child.

Have a nice night,


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