Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Wednesday, February 21

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today.

In the morning, the students used Epic! to research Chinese New Year / Lunar New Year and the Lion Dance. They learned about the Zodiac, and were very interested to learn about the qualities traditionally associated with their Zodiac animal. We also learned a bit about the origins of the Lion Dance, and how the unique image of the Chinese lion is a result of it featuring attributes from four different animals.

We were very fortunate to have a student in our class bring in an actual 'head' from a Lion Dance costume! The students had a great time experimenting with the pulleys that controlled the eyes and ears.

In math, we learned about how angles relate to rotation. We talked about the terms '180' and '360' and how they're often used in sports like skateboarding and snowboarding. The kids already seemed pretty familiar with those terms so this lesson was a breeze. We're wrapping up our unit on angles and will have a quick quiz on Friday to see if we're ready to move on. I realize that's a quick turn-around, but rest assured we will not move on unless the students have really got the hang of it. I think they already do.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA and spelling, and read about the fossil history of Alberta.

Have a nice night,


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