Thursday, February 22, 2024

Thursday, February 22

 Hi parents,

We had an awesome day today. In the morning, our whole school met in the gym to watch an amazing Lion Dance performance, courtesy of Jing Wo! Jing Wo is a not-for-profit organization in Calgary that seeks to share and preserve Chinese Culture, predominately through the art of Lion Dance. The performance was incredibly energetic, entertaining, colourful, and fun. The people from Jing Wo answered some thoughtful questions from the students afterwards.

When we got back to the classroom, we started writing Thank-You letters to let Jing Wo know how much we enjoyed the experience.

In math, we did an activity around finding similarities and differences between angles. We talked about different ways that angles could be sorted into groups based on shared attributes.

We're having a review of Angles tomorrow! The one thing I think the class could use a bit more practice with is just the terminology. If you have time, please review these at home:

Vertex: The point where two lines meet and an angle is formed.

Line Segment: A line that has a beginning and end.

Ray: A line that just keeps going and going, usually depicted with an arrow.

In the afternoon, we had Daily LA and Music. We also had an art lesson with Ms. Davies.

Have a nice night!


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