Thursday, November 30, 2023

Wednesday, November 29

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today! In the morning, the students were provided with jot notes about horses, that they used to write their own paragraphs. The students really nailed it on this activity. Without explicit planning and instruction, they were able to incorporate many of the elements of paragraphs we've been targeting over the past few weeks - clear topic sentences, writing that flows, sentence variety, and compound sentences - it really felt like all of that came it a lot more naturally today.

In math, we did some 'fact fluency' work, with fill in the blank problems. These problems were not particularly difficult, so students could work on developing fast, effective mental math strategies for solving them.

We worked on maps of Canada as part of Social Studies. As we move into our exploration of Alberta, it made sense to ensure every students understood where Alberta is located in Canada, and the difference between a city, province, and country.

There are a couple big dates coming up:

Tomorrow is our school's "Hat Day", and the Winter Celebration is on December 14.

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14