Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Tuesday, November 28

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today! In the morning, the students got into Social Studies groups, and were introduced to their Alberta textbooks. They skimmed through the book, and read the introduction. As you can probably guess, we're going to start learning about Alberta - the landscape, people, history, and more! Working in mixed-grade groups is great because the students can help each other with the challenging words. 

In math, we did our addition and subtraction quiz, which ended up being much more of an 'addition and subtraction exam', as it took most of our afternoon. It went quite well though. I'm about halfway through marking them. Students will have an opportunity later this week, or next week, to do a 'rewrite' if they want to improve their score. The rewrite quizzes will feature all the same general content, but with different numbers.  

We also had Music, Gym, and of course work period. We ended our day by reading A Rover's Story.  

Have a nice night,


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