Friday, September 1, 2023

Friday, September 1

 Hi parents,

We ended our first week on a high note today!

In the morning, we practiced learning everyone's names, and then worked on 'about me' pages.

We talked about how crayons are a highly underrated colouring tool.

We did another ice breaker activity in which the students were given a vague topic (for example, 'Pets'), and then asked to sort themselves into groups based on their connection to that topic. It was a fun way of seeing how much everyone had in common, and things that made people unique.

We went outside to the big playground for some more socializing and exercise, and then did some quiet reading when we came back in. At the end of the day, I read the first story from "Sideways Stories from Wayside School". It's become a bit of a first-week tradition.

Thank you for reading the blog! I told the class I would put optional homework up, so here it is.


Use your non-dominant hand to draw and colour a picture of a family member, friend, pet or teacher.

I will also be posting next week's 'spelling lists', and some information on how to study them at home, which of course is also completely optional. 

Have a wonderful weekend,


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Thursday, February 6

 Hi parents, We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, the students reviewed the many shape terms we've learned over the past few ...