Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Tuesday, April 4

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today! Much of the morning was spent on Work Period. Students had a chance to finish their Spring Break Writing, math worksheets, and spelling practice. Those long division worksheets were super challenging.

Mr. Ripka led a lesson about renewable and non-renewable resources. We're starting our Waste and Our World unit for Science, and Mr. Ripka will be leading a series of lessons as part of it. The students walked away from this one with a much better understanding of the different kinds of resources.

In the afternoon, we had Daily LA and Gymnastics. We also started a new novel study - we're reading "Ticket to Curlew"! It is a book about a family who moves to the small Alberta town of Curlew in 1915, and the challenges they face in trying to establish a life there as farmers. Very educational but also interesting and engaging.  

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14