Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tuesday, April 18

Hi parents,

It was another busy day today! These days are just planning themselves because we've got so much on the go.

In the morning, we reviewed the life cycle of a rainbow trout. The students added more detail to the life cycles they created last week, and we discussed the ways the appearance and diet of a rainbow trout change over time. We learned how hard the life of a rainbow trout can be, as they swim upstream, dodging numerous predators and dangers, to go back to the place they were born and start the life cycle over again.

The students continued working on their brochures. They're going well but I'm a bit concerned that some students aren't budgeting their time very well. While they've all been doing a great job staying focused on the project, they may be dedicating too much time to things that probably should only take a few minutes, like drawing a patterned hat on a llama. But building time management skills is a big part of the Montessori philosophy, and I've let the students know that they may need to take their brochures home to finish over the weekend. But I'm hoping it won't come to that.

Thursday, April 20 -Pysanky Eggs & Math Quiz

Please remember to send three unboiled white eggs to school tomorrow, in a safe carrying vessel, for our Pysanky egg project, which we will do the following day. The eggs work best if left out for a day.

As well as being a day for Pysanky Eggs, we will also be having a math quiz on Thursday. The quiz will feature:

- 8 basic multiplication and division facts

- One addition problem and one subtraction problem (3 digit by 3 digit)

- Three division word problems (involving basic division facts)

The Grade 4 version of the quiz will feature only two word problems, and four long division problems.

A great way to study at home would just be to review skip-counting patterns. 

Have a nice night!


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