Monday, April 17, 2023

Monday, April 17

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today! April has been such a busy, but fun, month for our class and it looks like its going to continue that way.

We met with Ms. Sharon once again, and began another art project. This artwork focuses on cycles and patterns in nature. Our class in particular is going to be creating collaborative artwork to represent the cycle of day and night, using lots of interesting textures and mediums.

We talked about this week's spelling words, and the prefix 'Re-'. The students brainstormed other examples of words that have re- as a prefix. One interesting example was 'reread'. 

The class continued to work on their brochures, and the hope is that they'll be all finished by this Friday. They're looking fantastic. For most students, this is the biggest research project they've done so far in their academic careers! I will post more pictures later in the week. :)

APRIL 20: Pysanky Eggs and Math Quiz

As you know, we are doing Pysanky Eggs on Thursday, April 20. If possible, please send your children to school with three white eggs on Wednesday, April 19. Please make sure these eggs are contained in a safe, well-cushioned container. We will also be using those containers to bring the finished products home.

Also, we will be having a math quiz in the afternoon. It will mostly be on division and multiplication, but there will also be a couple of addition and subtraction problems. We've been practicing the same types of problems every morning for the past month so I am confident the students will do great - but if you want to practice at home, please go ahead! I will post more details about the types of questions they will encounter tomorrow.

Have a nice night!


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Wednesday, March 12

 Hi parents, We had another pretty good day today. In the morning, we started one of my all-time favourite projects - it's a personal No...