Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thursday, March 16

 Hi parents,

We had another good day today! Maybe watching The Little Prince is having such a profound impact on the class that everyone is being their best selves. 

In the morning, we continued to work on limericks. Check some of these out - this is just a small sample! They're all super unique and fun.

In math, the students finished their old school worksheets, and wrote word problems to accompany various division equations. The class has definitely got the hang of division now. Next week we'll start the dreaded "Long Division", which I anticipate will be pretty difficult, though probably less-so than subtraction.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, and learned more about the Medicine Wheel. We learned how each colour also represents a different type of wellness - mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. We'll be spending more time learning about those in the near future.

We ended our day by reviewing India's celebration table.

Have a nice night!


PS: Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day! Remember to Wear Green! Also the Spelling Quiz!

Pinching / Clamping of Non-Green Wearers is Forbidden!!

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Pajama Day - March 14