Friday, March 17, 2023

Friday, March 17

 Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We had a really great day today. 

Our classroom was trashed by leprechauns! They wrote a taunting limerick on the SMARTboard, but today we still felt very "lucky" as Mrs. Brady stopped by for a visit and to share an Irish Blessing with the class.

Students finished their good copies for their Limericks and shared them with the class. Some limericks were even shared with other classes!

We finished watching The Little Prince. There were lots of tears (mostly from me) and I think the students genuinely started to understand why it's such an important story. Whether you read the book or watch the film, it will always help you remember what really matters in life.

We learned about the history of St. Patrick's Day. We ended our day by playing "Classroom of Doom", a math game that challenges the students to show their knowledge of multiplication,  subtraction, addition, and division facts, while gathering treasures. 

All around it was a very fun day. If your child missed the ending to the Little Prince, it is available on Amazon Prime Video if you have that, and also available or rental on Youtube.

Have a nice weekend,


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