Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Wednesday, February 8 (PJ / Stuffy Day tomorrow!)

 Hi parents,

The students have earned 20 helping hearts for their efforts at lunch time, and so they have won a PJ / Stuffy Day for tomorrow. They've been asked to please only bring one stuffed animal and make sure it's not too big to fit in their backpacks. 

Today was our last session with Mrs. Sharon, our school's artist in residence, and the students had fun checking out their clay and painting it to look like food. We even incorporated 'sauce paint' and real spices! The Grade 3/4 team will collaborate to figure out how to display all of our pieces together, to really capture the essence of 'celebration' as it appears in different cultures around the world.

The students worked on their Little Prince chapters some more. We're at the point now where everyone is wrapping things up. We're going full Montessori on this one - I've let the class know the chapters are due next Wednesday, and it's their responsibility to use time during the work period to ensure their stories are complete by that time. This gives them the opportunity to practice time management - hopefully the class can avoid learning the dangers of procrastination the hard way. Unfortunately I didn't learn that lesson until university, at which point it was a more expensive lesson than it probably should have been...

The students made floor-plans for houses, schools, and space stations as part of our work with Area. Always a fun project!

We ended our day with Music.

Remember that tomorrow is our Math Quiz! Any practice tonight would probably be helpful but is of course unnecessary. 

Blog Homework for One bonus table point:

Solve the problem (and bring in your work!):

    An LBS hat costs $5. How much money would it cost to buy hats for all 23 students in Room 4?

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14