Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Tuesday, February 7

 Hi parents,

The energy level was high today, but we had a good day anyway.

In the morning, the students got to work with Ms. Sharon again on their cultural food art. Today we painted the papier mache plates. Groups decided to coordinate colour choices together to keep the artwork unified. 

In math, the class blasted through Area worksheets, using their multiplication skills. 

They were even successful in solving what I considered to be an exceptionally difficult math word problem (a similar problem will appear on our quiz as a 'bonus'!):

    Draw the French Flag in your math book. It must have an area of exactly 72 square cm. Each colour        must occupy equal areas within the flag. It must be between 4-10cm tall.

Even though most students already did this problem, it might be fun to do again at home. There are a couple ways to solve it! Could even be some bonus points involved if anyone brings in their work....

In the afternoon, the students wrote about a time they made a mistake, or a time they felt humbled. This task was connected to our recent work around 'Humility', the sixth sacred teaching.

We ended our day with Gym and Daily LA. We tried to watch the music video for Alberta Bound by Paul Brandt, but there were just too many call-outs. It will have to wait until tomorrow.

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14