Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Wednesday, September 7

 Hi parents,

We had another good day in Room 4. 

We started reading the book "Wish Tree" this morning. The students previewed the cover, read the back, and made predictions and observations about what the book might be about. We then read through the first three chapters. It's pretty interesting so far - it's written from the perspective of the tree. We'll be doing a novel study on Wish Tree over the next few weeks, and hopefully reading at least two chapters a day, so feel free to ask your child for updates!

We played a fun math game called "Beat The Teacher". It's a game that helps students learn Place Value, and it's an easy one to play at home. 

Basically, one player rolls a die (10-sided works best) and then assigns that value to either the 'ones', 'tens', or 'hundreds' place. Then the other player does the same. The idea is to construct the largest number possible with three dice rolls. So a good strategy would be to assign larger numbers to the 'hundreds' place, and smaller numbers to the 'ones' place.

Currently I'm up 4 - 2 over the class. There are lots of virtual dice rolling apps / websites you could use at home, in case you're not a big nerd like me who owns every shape of dice imaginable.

In the afternoon we did Buddy Reading, and then worked more on two-digit addition review. I'm getting a pretty good idea of where the students are at with their math abilities and where we need to go next!

Have a nice day,


PS: Be sure to check out the previous post to learn about our Freezer Feastival fundraiser!

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Monday, March 10

 Hi parents, We had a pretty good day today - lots of kids away though!  Much of our day was spent learning about pulleys. And the best way ...