Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Tuesday, September 6

 Hi parents,

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend!

We had a great day today. The students have continued to amaze me with their respectful, responsible behaviour and excellent work ethic. 

Today I introduced the spelling program to the class, and we discussed how to select a spelling list that is at a good challenge level, and then practice the words on the list each morning as part of our morning work period. The students caught on fast! What I forgot to mention is that we will have our first spelling quiz this Friday. Students are only quizzed on the words from the list they selected at the start of the week.

We talked about place value and its role in 2 and 3-digit addition. We reviewed the Golden Beads and Coloured Bead Bar materials, both of which can be hugely helpful in understanding the concepts of place value and regrouping.

We also had an exceptional full-class quiet reading session. We also did mindfulness and talked about how valuable - but challenging - it can be to just think about nothing.

Have a nice night!


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