Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tuesday, April 26

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today!

In the morning, we continued our exploration of poetry, this time focusing on the concept and role of 'rhyme'. It's really interesting to see the different levels of understanding - I feel like in general, rhyming has become a bit less common in children's books, and so a lot of kids are relatively new to the concept, whereas when I was in school, Berenstein Bears and Dr. Seuss books were all the rage.

Mrs. Fernandez is working with the class on a secret poetry activity in which they have to brainstorm things they like, and then come up with rhyming words. They will then use these words to write fun poems. The class had a bit of trouble with this, so tomorrow, we'll be looking at Children's Rhyming Dictionaries for inspiration. 

We also started working on our 'Pizza Project', which will be the big wrap-up for our Fractions unit. Unfortunately, due to school health rules, we are not able to actually make, divide, and share pizzas as I had originally hoped, but we will still be doing all the other steps. Students are working in groups to decide on toppings for their now-fictional pizzas (which has opened up some interesting possibilities), and figure out how to divide them into equal portions. We will also be looking at recipe writing, so this could still be a fun project to do at home!

In the afternoon, the Grade 3 students completed their math assessments while the grade 2s worked on journal writing. We ended our day with gymnastics and Daily LA.

Have a nice night!


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Pajama Day - March 14