Monday, April 25, 2022

Monday, April 25

 Hi parents,

We had a good day today but a pretty simple one. In the morning, the students wrote in their journals as usual, we spent a bit of time outside, practiced spelling, and went to the library to exchange books. I'm not sure if I wrote this earlier, but we're back to the 'individual sign-out' system, which means students are able to bring their books home! This also means that they are responsible for taking care of their own books and bringing them back to school every Monday, which is when we visit the library. Students are welcome to bring them back earlier too if they choose.

In Gym, we had our first day of Gymnastics. Today was mostly spent on simple stuff - safety, expectations, and some balances, but as the week goes on we'll be learning more and more fun things. Next week we'll even get to use the Climber!

In the afternoon, the Grade 3s got to work on their journals some more, while the Grade 2s did math assessments. I haven't fully marked them yet but so far it's looking like we've made a ton of progress! 

We ended our day with Music.

Have a nice night!


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