Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Wednesday, February 2

 Hi parents,

We had a bit of a rough day today sadly, but it sparked some important class discussions that I hope will help the class moving forward. Mostly we just talked about listening respectfully and following expectations. But the students had some incredibly insightful things to say - I remember one student saying, "for some of us who have been in your class for 3 years, it feels more like we're a family than a class. And so sometimes that makes us forget the rules."

In the morning, we continued to work on COPS editing, and we looked at the "O" for Organization. Organization refers to a lot of things, but in our grade, it's mostly about spacing and writing on the lines. If students can space their words and letter appropriately, and keep everything in the lines, their writing will be 100x more legible, regardless of spelling and punctuation. 

We read chapter 9 of Droon and the students answered comprehension questions as usual. Only one chapter left! I'm interested to see if the class will want to continue reading the series or find a new novel - we'll have a vote by the end of the week.

In the afternoon, we did Quiet Reading instead of Daily LA (due to rowdiness), and then the students read about the community of Iqaluit for social studies. They answered some challenging comprehension questions too. We also watched these videos: Canada Crew THE NORTH and Destination Nunavut - Iqaluit

We have our in-class art project field trip coming up next week - please send back forms if you haven't yet!

Have a nice night,


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Pajama Day - March 14