Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Wednesday, February 16

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today!

We did typical morning work period activities for a while, then went out for Gym with Ms. Brown. 

The students did an 'unscrambling' editing activity, in which they had to first unscramble a mixed up sentence, and then rewrite it correctly and neatly in their writing books. Many students worked so efficiently that they were able to finish multiple sentences!

We learned about 'rounding' today in math. The students did a quick activity in which they rounded a variety of prices to the nearest dollar. For example, $4.99 would round up to $5, or $10.10 would round down to $10. If you happen to have a flyer lying around, it might be fun to challenge your child to round the prices to the nearest dollar. Rounding is a tricky skill at first, but once students get it, it becomes the easiest thing ever (at least when you're just rounding to the nearest dollar - hundredths and thousandths can be complicated again).

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, read the second chapter of Droon, and then did a late Valentines Day 'STEM Challenge', in which the students worked in table groups to create free-standing structures from paper hearts. They did an awesome job with this - there was so much creativity and teamwork!

Tomorrow marks the start of Teachers' Convention, so there is no school until next Tuesday!

I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend. :)


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Pajama Day - March 14