Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Tuesday, February 22 (2/22/22)

 Hi parents,

Happy "Twos-day Tuesday"!

We had a great day back at school after what seemed to be an exceptionally fun long weekend.

In the morning, students worked on math problems, practiced the same spelling words from last week, and did some editing. It's actually amazing to see what a difference our focus on "COPS" has made in some students' writing - if you're practicing at home, all I can say is keep up the great work! Even just a sentence a day can make a huge difference.

Students wrote in their journals about the long weekend, focusing on capitals, organization, punctuation, and spelling. Then, we did a 2-themed math activity, in which the class had to see how many numbers they could make by using equations only involving the number two. They were able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. They even came up with some creative ways to get to odd numbers using only 2's.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, and then read Secrets of Droon. Unfortunately we didn't have time to finish the chapter.

We had 15 minutes of extra gym time today, which meant we had time to play some exciting games of Pillow Polo, 3 vs. 3. It was a lot of fun to watch.

We ended our day with an assembly about Pink Shirt Day, and really just kindness in general. Thank you to Rooms 10 and 11 for reminding us that Pink Shirt Day is tomorrow, and giving us some ideas about ways be can be kind all year round.

Have a nice night!


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