Friday, January 28, 2022

Spelling Words (Week of Jan. 31)

 Spelling List A












Spelling List B












Spelling List C











Good luck!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Thursday, January 27

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today. In the morning, we did a fun activity about tone and 'bias' in writing, and the significant impact it can have on the impression readers get. I gave half of the class a paragraph about a nice teacher who let his students stay in at recess to learn in a peaceful, quiet environment, and the other half of the class got paragraphs about a teacher who forced his students to stay in and work through the entire recess. The students were not aware that there were two different versions of the story circulating, so when we had a class discussion, they were pretty shocked to hear the positive or negative things their classmates had to say about this teacher!

We talked about how certain words, phrases, and images can work to portray events in certain ways, while still technically retaining factual accuracy. It was a cool lesson! 

We started to learn about division today, by watching the NumberBlocks episodes The Lair of Shares and Divide and Drive. Both are fantastic. Division is often an easy skill for students to pick up because kids tend to have an inherent understanding of how to divide, because dividing and 'fairness' go hand in hand. If you give two kids 20 candies and ask them to divide them up, they'll probably get get it right.

In the afternoon, we practiced division a bit more, did Daily LA, and played "Raindrops" in gym. We also played a full class math game, and read Chapter 7 of Droon.

Have a nice night!


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Wednesday, January 26

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today - the class seemed to be mostly back on track, although they did take 8 minutes to quietly get ready and line up for gym with Ms. Brown.....

In the morning, we did a couple of different literacy activities. First, the students practiced using commas, by adding commas and periods to some sentences that were severely lacking. At the end of this post, you will find the sentences, for anyone who like to practice again at home / was not here today.

We also practiced the skill of 'scanning for information'. The students read a paragraph about Mrs. Gorf (from Wayside School), and highlighted information that they felt was most important (that paragraph is attached to this post as well). We then answered some questions about the paragraph, and talked about how the information that is "important" always depends on what questions we're trying to answer. For example, typically it wouldn't be necessary to highlight a paragraph that goes into excessive detail about a character's clothing. But, if we were writing a paragraph about the fashion trends of Droon, then that might be the only information we'd want to highlight. We might have to do an activity about Droon fashion, now that I think about it.

In the afternoon, we had Daily LA, Gym, and Music. 

Have a nice night,


Punctuation Practice!



It is cold snowy and windy


On Friday I went to school


I play soccer baseball and football


The cat is small fuzzy and orange


I am from Calgary Alberta Canada


The dog is big brown and soft


I feel mad sad and grumpy


At school I learned math


At the zoo I saw monkeys bears and birds


When I went to USA I went to Disneyland


For dinner I had beans potatoes corn and gravy


For breakfast I had bacon eggs and pancakes

Scanning for Important Information


I am going to tell you about Mrs. Gorf.


Mrs. Gorf was born in Calgary, AB, in the year 1925. She went to school at Hogwarts. She learned how to cast spells from Professor Snape. When Mrs. Gorf was a student, she turned her Principal into an apple. Then, she was expelled from school. That was not good! Oh no, not good at all. And let me tell you why.

Mrs. Gorf was very angry about being expelled. She decided that she wanted to be a teacher so she could expel students. She was not a very kind person, if you were wondering about that. Mrs. Gorf adopted a cat named Greg and taught it how to scratch furniture at other people’s houses.

She started to work at Wayside School when she was 80 years old. She turned a lot of students into apples. She drove a big, shiny, dark green car. One day a student held up a mirror and then she turned into an apple too, and the spell was broken.



Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Tuesday, January 25

 Hi parents,

We had a bit of a rough day today (by our class' standards) but there were still some awesome moments.

In the morning, the students worked diligently to catch up on the work they didn't complete yesterday. We discussed 'states of matter' again, and completed fill-in-the-blank sheets about solid, liquids, and gases.  Students brainstormed more examples of each.

Then, the students responded to a fun writing prompt, that asked them to imagine life in a different state of matter: "If I Was a Liquid, I would..." 

The responses to this one were so creative and funny. Some students said they would freeze themselves to become solid again, others said they would boil themselves to turn into gases. One student said they would become part of the ocean and then create waves to get rid of all the ocean garbage. Another wanted to combine with liquid nitrogen and become a frozen mass of ice in space.

We made Jello today and observed the changes in states of matter. First, the water boiling into a gas. Then, the water combining with the solid jello crystals to create a liquid. Finally, the liquid cooling and settling into an unusual, jiggly solid. The class wrote down their observations and made predictions along the way.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, played a great game of Kickball in Gym, and finished up our science experiment. 

We've been having some issues with listening, tattling, and general silliness, and unfortunately I've even had to bring back the dreaded 'Listening Club' as a consequence. I've also had to limit the number of options that students have available as 'responsible work choices' due to some irresponsible behaviour. We've wasted a lot of time lately with slow cleanups, interruptions, and unnecessary quarrels, and I know everyone is tired of having to deal with those. I hope that the students understand that even though these consequences may seem strict, they'll ultimately help our class get back on track and be a more fun place to learn. 

Have a nice night,


Monday, January 24, 2022

Monday, January 24

 Hi parents,

It was a pretty typical Monday in room 4! A bit on the less-productive side, but we'll fix that tomorrow.

In the morning, the students worked on math. We're just about ready to move onto a new topic - divison! We're reviewing the Counting-On strategy first to make sure everyone has a good handle on it.

"Counting On" involves visualizing the larger number in a equation, and then counting forwards or backwards to reach the answer. For example, with the problem "68 + 4 = __", students would envision 68, and then count up 4 times, using their fingers to keep track of their counting, and understanding that the last number they say aloud is the answer.

"Counting On" is not just a strategy for beginners - it can be applied to solve some tricky Grade 3 problems too. For example, a problem like "804 - 9 = __" may make even the 'math wizards' have to stop and think. I encourage everyone to try this strategy out at home and see how it goes. 

The students wrote about their weekends in their journals, and were asked to incorporate the following into their writing:

-One Simile

-Two Commas

-One exclamation point

Students got to choose how and when to use each literary device.

We went to the Library and exchanged books.

We also practiced the new spelling words, did Daily LA, read The Secrets of Droon (chapter 5), and ended our day with Music.

Have a nice night,


Friday, January 21, 2022

Spelling Words! (Week of Jan. 23)

 Spelling List A












Spelling List B












Spelling List C











Good luck!

Friday, January 21

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today but I don't have a whole lot to write about it.

We had our spelling quiz, went outside for gym, did Daily LA, and read chapter 4 of Droon. The students are still working on answering in full sentences, I think we might need a specific lesson dedicated to it, but that's okay. This is the time to learn!

We watched THIS Science Max Episode about states of matter - it's really cool, maybe even worth a rewatch!

Have a nice weekend,


Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thursday, January 20

 Hi parents,

We had a bit of a crazy day today with some real shining moments. I think the return of 'Fun Lunch' raised the energy level a bit. 

In the morning, the students learned about states of matter. We talked about the differences between solids, liquids, and gases, and brainstormed examples of each. We also talked about how substances can change states, and used the example of water being able to exist as ice, water vapour, and as a liquid. 

The students asked some amazing questions that I was unable to answer. When we talked about gases, we started talking about atoms, and then they were asking about the smallest possible unit of matter, and what would happen if it was split in half. They also had some interesting examples of liquids that seem 'solid' when you apply force to them. This discussion was a highlight of the day for sure.

We read chapter 3 of Droon and filled out comprehension questions.

We watched a Bill Nye episode about Lakes and Ponds, that also addressed many of the properties of liquids that we'd discussed earlier. The students worked in partners to complete tables of solids, liquids, and gases.

All around, it was a great day academically, but the noise level was louder than usual, and the listening was a bit off. I've noticed that the students have become so familiar with our routines that many of them are almost able to anticipate what I'm going to say before I say it - almost. This is usually a good thing because it means the class can make responsible decisions without me guiding them, but it can also kind of backfire when our routines change. 

We talked a bit about the importance of being respectful listeners, moving and working peacefully, and waiting patiently.

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz! We've reviewed the words a lot this week and I've been quizzing the kids randomly. I think it will be a good one!

Have a nice night,


Fun Lunch Information

Fun Lunch is back! 

Starting Thursday, January 20th Lake Bonavista School Council will be organizing a Fun Lunch every other week on Thursdays. Fun Lunch is run through a program called Healthy Hunger at Kids enjoy having a fun lunch to eat at school and parents enjoy a break from making lunch! Fun lunch is an optional event. 

You can begin ordering this Monday, January 10th. 

Booster Juice - January 20 

Subway - February 3 

Little Caesars - Wednesday February 16 (Due to Teachers convention) 

Account Set up 

For parents who have previously had a Healthy Hunger account your login will be the same, however you will need to log in and then add your student to the correct school and class from the drop-down menus. For parents new to Healthy Hunger, you will need to create an account on the Healthy Hunger website and then add your student to the correct school and class from the drop-down menus. 

Ordering Lunches 

Once vendors are confirmed they will be added to the calendar for your selection. You can order for as few or many days as you like. You can place and pay for orders for multiple days and multiple children all at once. Payment is done online through Healthy Hunger. No payments are made to school. Deadline for ordering is 5 days in advance. For Thursday meals, orders must be placed by 11:59 pm on Saturday in order to give the vendors time to order and prep. You will receive confirmation of your order, if you do not get a confirmation email it is possible your order didn’t go through. Log back in to double check and avoid the confusion. 

Cancelling an order 

If you need to cancel a lunch you can do that until the cut-off period which is 5 days before each lunch and get a refund. With more absences due to symptoms cancelling in advance may not always be an option. 

Lunch Delivery 

On the specified day lunch is delivered to the school for the students. We will require a few volunteers to help distribute to the classes, so please ensure you are on our volunteer contact list if you are available to help. Please remember to pack a snack and water in addition to the fun lunch order. Please pack a complete lunch if you did not order that day. 


Please contact the for any questions regarding Fun Lunch or regarding your volunteer status.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Wednesday, January 19

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today!

In the morning, the students divided into partners ("social studies buddies") and given time to look through our Canadian Communities textbook. Unlike your stereotypical textbooks, the Canadian Communities book is full of colourful pictures, grade-level text, and thought-provoking inquiry questions. It's an awesome introductory resource to help kids develop basic research skills, and it covers some pretty interesting topics too.

The class played a game with Mr. Shipley that I believe was called "Gaga Ball", and it seemed to be a really big hit. I was reading with small groups and missed out unfortunately. I think they'll be playing it again tomorrow.

Today, the students were tasked with doing some research about research. We created a chart, as a class, that illustrated 5 steps that we can take when conducting research:

    1. Ask questions.

    2. Find sources.

    3. Gather information.

    4. Check information.

    5. Share findings!

We read chapter two of The Secrets of Droon and the students answered some comprehension questions. The class seems to be enjoying the book so far and we haven't even gotten to the good parts yet! Tomorrow we're going to have to talk about answering questions using full sentences. 

In the afternoon, we had Daily LA, Gym, and Music.

Have a nice night!


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Tuesday, January 18

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today!

In the morning the students had work period time to work on math, spelling, and yesterday's writing. The class did a lesson on the qualities of a good friend with Mr. Shipley, and I had a chance to do some small group literacy work.

We started a novel study today that I'm quite excited about, using the first book from the series, "The Secrets of Droon". We read the first chapter and the students answered some comprehension questions. I know I read the first Droon book a couple years ago and it might be vaguely familiar to some of the students, but we blasted through it and didn't give it the attention it deserves. This time I want to do it justice.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, went to the Gym, and reviewed 'arrays' in multiplication. Today our focus was on square numbers. The array strategy lends itself well to this concept. 

The CBE has provided every student with a package containing some masks and a box of rapid tests containing 5 tests. Each student who was here today brought home the package - if your child was absent, please contact the office if you would like to pick up their masks and tests!

Have a nice night,


Monday, January 17, 2022

Monday, January 17

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty great day today, a very typical Monday for me, but the students got to do some different activities with Ms. B in the afternoon.

In the morning, the students wrote in their journals and focused on including commas where appropriate. The students have really caught on to this new concept, and now the main issue we're having is using commas to create excessively long sentences. 

We've been reviewing subtraction problems involving numbers with multiple consecutive zeros and regrouping. The Montessori materials make it a bit easier to explain the regrouping, but it's still quite difficult and any additional practice at home would always help!

In the afternoon, the students had Music, and Health / Gym with Mrs. B, which gave me tons of time to read and work with small groups.

Have a nice night,


Friday, January 14, 2022

Spelling Words (Week of Jan. 16)

 Spelling List A












Spelling List B












Spelling List C











You may notice some repeat words - those are the ones that seemed to cause the most trouble.

Good luck!

Friday, January 14

 Hi parents,

We had yet another awesome day today. I really couldn't have asked for a better 'first week back'.

In the morning we had our spelling quiz, and I was really happy to see that the students excelled at the Sight Words. The 'ou' blend seemed to present the most problems and I think we'll review it again next week.

The students went outside for gym, and then we did some more practice with using commas in writing. Today, we worked on using commas when listing adjectives. For example, "the lesson was fun, educational, and well-received". 

We learned a new (and very important) multiplication strategy today - arrays! This strategy basically involves solving a multiplication problem by using rows and columns. 

For example, the problem 3 x 4 could be represented with this array:

x x x x

x x x x

x x x x 

Creating neat, organized arrays makes it easy for students to skip-count and find a product. It also lays the foundation for calculating 'area' later on.

We ended our day with Daily LA.

Next week's spelling words will be added in just a moment - have a nice weekend!


Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thursday, January 13

 Hi parents,

We had another great day today!

In the morning, we had our first formal lesson about commas in writing. Commas are really tricky to teach about because there are so many different ways to use them, and often it's kind of unclear whether they are needed or not. We talked about using commas when listing ideas, and after words like 'first', 'next', 'finally', etc.

The students applied their new knowledge of commas to a procedural writing task, in which they explained a process of their choice. This was one of those writing tasks where everyone did a good job, but it seemed to really click for a few students who were able to do some of their best writing of the year! And the school year!

We did a multiplication / art activity called 'Mutiply a Snowman'. Students were given a sheet of 'snowman traits' that corresponded with certain numbers. Then, they rolled two dice, and multiplied them. They added traits to their snowman based on the product of their roll. It was a bit complicated at first, but ended up being a fun way to practice multiplication, and the students were a lot more comfortable with it than I expected.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA and gym, and ended our day by watching a very interesting Wild Kratts episode about leaf cutter ants, as part of our Small Crawling and Flying Animals science unit.

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz! I'm interested to see how the new format works out. 

Have a nice night,


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Wednesday, January 12

Hi parents,

It is so great to be back! We had an awesome day today. 

In the morning, the students worked on math problems, practiced spelling, and had Explore and Play. We watched Molly of Denali and learned about 'codes'. 

The students did a fun activity in which they created "WANTED: MISSING TEACHER" posters (kind of a confusing mix of a wanted poster and a missing poster) which I had originally planned to be completed while I was away but the class didn't quite get to. Students got to write about and draw a teacher of their choice.

Revisiting the 'code' theme addressed in Molly of Denali, students created their own 'secret code math' problems. They did this by assigning each letter of the alphabet a number, and then creating a series of equations. The answer of each equation could be connected to a letter, which would then spell out a secret word or phrase. Pretty complicated stuff. 

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, Gym, and Music, and the students finally got to take home their Bat Booklets! 

Have a nice night,


Friday, January 7, 2022

Spelling Words! (Week of Jan 9.)

Spelling List A












Spelling List B












Spelling List C











At this point in our school year I've noticed huge growth in students' abilities to sound out unfamiliar words, which is fantastic! Unfortunately, there are a lot of really common words that don't follow the rules. I'd like to put more emphasis on these 'sight words', so Lists A and B are now divided into Word Family words, and Sight Words. List C is just focused on Word Family words.

I also added 2 more words to each list, so we'll just have to see how this goes....

I am open to adjusting as we go!

I hope you all had an excellent Winter Break. :)

Pajama Day - March 14