Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thursday, January 20

 Hi parents,

We had a bit of a crazy day today with some real shining moments. I think the return of 'Fun Lunch' raised the energy level a bit. 

In the morning, the students learned about states of matter. We talked about the differences between solids, liquids, and gases, and brainstormed examples of each. We also talked about how substances can change states, and used the example of water being able to exist as ice, water vapour, and as a liquid. 

The students asked some amazing questions that I was unable to answer. When we talked about gases, we started talking about atoms, and then they were asking about the smallest possible unit of matter, and what would happen if it was split in half. They also had some interesting examples of liquids that seem 'solid' when you apply force to them. This discussion was a highlight of the day for sure.

We read chapter 3 of Droon and filled out comprehension questions.

We watched a Bill Nye episode about Lakes and Ponds, that also addressed many of the properties of liquids that we'd discussed earlier. The students worked in partners to complete tables of solids, liquids, and gases.

All around, it was a great day academically, but the noise level was louder than usual, and the listening was a bit off. I've noticed that the students have become so familiar with our routines that many of them are almost able to anticipate what I'm going to say before I say it - almost. This is usually a good thing because it means the class can make responsible decisions without me guiding them, but it can also kind of backfire when our routines change. 

We talked a bit about the importance of being respectful listeners, moving and working peacefully, and waiting patiently.

Tomorrow is our spelling quiz! We've reviewed the words a lot this week and I've been quizzing the kids randomly. I think it will be a good one!

Have a nice night,


Fun Lunch Information

Fun Lunch is back! 

Starting Thursday, January 20th Lake Bonavista School Council will be organizing a Fun Lunch every other week on Thursdays. Fun Lunch is run through a program called Healthy Hunger at Kids enjoy having a fun lunch to eat at school and parents enjoy a break from making lunch! Fun lunch is an optional event. 

You can begin ordering this Monday, January 10th. 

Booster Juice - January 20 

Subway - February 3 

Little Caesars - Wednesday February 16 (Due to Teachers convention) 

Account Set up 

For parents who have previously had a Healthy Hunger account your login will be the same, however you will need to log in and then add your student to the correct school and class from the drop-down menus. For parents new to Healthy Hunger, you will need to create an account on the Healthy Hunger website and then add your student to the correct school and class from the drop-down menus. 

Ordering Lunches 

Once vendors are confirmed they will be added to the calendar for your selection. You can order for as few or many days as you like. You can place and pay for orders for multiple days and multiple children all at once. Payment is done online through Healthy Hunger. No payments are made to school. Deadline for ordering is 5 days in advance. For Thursday meals, orders must be placed by 11:59 pm on Saturday in order to give the vendors time to order and prep. You will receive confirmation of your order, if you do not get a confirmation email it is possible your order didn’t go through. Log back in to double check and avoid the confusion. 

Cancelling an order 

If you need to cancel a lunch you can do that until the cut-off period which is 5 days before each lunch and get a refund. With more absences due to symptoms cancelling in advance may not always be an option. 

Lunch Delivery 

On the specified day lunch is delivered to the school for the students. We will require a few volunteers to help distribute to the classes, so please ensure you are on our volunteer contact list if you are available to help. Please remember to pack a snack and water in addition to the fun lunch order. Please pack a complete lunch if you did not order that day. 


Please contact the for any questions regarding Fun Lunch or regarding your volunteer status.

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