Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Tuesday, January 18

 Hi parents,

We had a pretty good day today!

In the morning the students had work period time to work on math, spelling, and yesterday's writing. The class did a lesson on the qualities of a good friend with Mr. Shipley, and I had a chance to do some small group literacy work.

We started a novel study today that I'm quite excited about, using the first book from the series, "The Secrets of Droon". We read the first chapter and the students answered some comprehension questions. I know I read the first Droon book a couple years ago and it might be vaguely familiar to some of the students, but we blasted through it and didn't give it the attention it deserves. This time I want to do it justice.

In the afternoon, we did Daily LA, went to the Gym, and reviewed 'arrays' in multiplication. Today our focus was on square numbers. The array strategy lends itself well to this concept. 

The CBE has provided every student with a package containing some masks and a box of rapid tests containing 5 tests. Each student who was here today brought home the package - if your child was absent, please contact the office if you would like to pick up their masks and tests!

Have a nice night,


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