Thursday, December 16, 2021

Thursday, December 16

 Hi parents,

We had a great day today, which marks our last full day of school in 2021!

In the morning, the students worked on math problems, and did some persuasive paragraph writing about their sweaters. The goal this time was to convince their classmates of why their sweater was the ultimate sweater. Students also had the option to write about a fictional sweater, since I did not do a very good job of advertising 'festive sweater day' and many people forgot. In any case, they all did a fantastic job with this work.

I think one of the biggest things I've noticed in moving up from a grade 1/2 class is the students' ability to write non-fiction responses to writing prompts. They've made huge progress from the end of last year!

The students worked on some challenging, Christmas-themed, introductory algebra problems. This was the hardest one:

There are a whole bunch of similar problems on the internet if you search 'math mashup', and they're pretty fun.

In the afternoon, we finished up our Grinch Tree art by adding a portrait of the G-man himself.

We also started to watch "The Muppet Christmas Carol", which I think is actually an exceptionally good film for our Grade 2/3 class as it retells a literary classic in a fun, easy to process way. So far they're really enjoying it. We'll also be discussing characters, significant events, and setting! Just in case you were worried we were slacking.

Speaking of not slacking, tomorrow is also our last spelling quiz of the year! 

Have a nice night,


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