Friday, December 17, 2021

Friday, December 17

 Hi parents,

Today was a fantastic way to wrap up the 2021 portion of our school year.

We finished watching A Christmas Carol, had some quality class discussions, and did our spelling quiz. We did some carolling during a virtual assembly.

The students did Gym with Ms. Brown, and somehow, even after all that, we had time for a quick Class Dojo Store.

At the end of the day, we talked about the 'bittersweet' feeling of leaving school.  But Winter Break is the best. I hope everyone has a wonderful time and comes back to school ready for the 'fun half' of Grade 2/3!

Thank you all for your kindness and support this year - it has really been one of the best school years ever, and considering everything else that's going on, I think that speaks volumes about just how special the families in Room 4 are.

Have an excellent Winter Break!


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