Thursday, September 2, 2021

Thursday, September 2

 Hi parents,

Our second day of school was just as good as the first.

In the morning, we talked about the various emotions that students may feel during the first week of school. I gave the students lists of their classmates names, and then they went and surveyed their peers to find out how each person was feeling about school. They kept track of the results and we made a "First Day Feelings" bar graph as a class. I think one of the best things about this activity is that it gave the students a chance to officially meet one another and get to know everyone's name. 

We participated in a virtual assembly, hosted by Ms. Rooke and Ms. Durnford, which introduced the class to the teaching and support staff at our school and talked about the meaning and importance of the word "Peace". 

The students went to Music class, which takes place in the music room this year! Last year, due to covid protocols, we were unable to use the music room, so the music teachers had to go from class to class with a cart.... it was a challenge for sure.

In the afternoon, we did some Quiet Reading, went to Gym, and had some more time to work on the data collection activity from earlier.

We started to read Sideways Stories from Wayside School. We read it last year too. The stories are short, fun, and a great way to start the school year before we get into more in-depth novel studies.

Students brought home envelopes containing important school-related paperwork - please take a look at those and send them back before the end of next week!

Also, remember that tomorrow is an early dismissal day. Students will be dismissed at 12:15pm.

Have a nice night,


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